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The Legend Behind A Legend Prose Summary And Question Answer In English

The Legend Behind A Legend Prose Summary and Question Answer In English
The Legend Behind A Legend Prose Summary and Question Answer In English  

THE LEGEND BEHIND A LEGEND    Hariharan Balakrishnan 

About the Author : Hariharan Balakrishnan is a writer and columnist. 

About the Topic: The Legend Behind A Legend 

This Topic "The legend Behind a Legend" is an extract of the literary page of The Hindu, 22 Jan. 2006. In this topic "The Legend Behind a Legend '' the author narrates about two legends. A legend is a narrative about a very famous person. People are also referred to as legends if they have been unusually successful in their own fields of work. The present topic is about two legends i.e. Khairi, the tigress and Saroj Raj Choudhury his master. Khairi was looked after by Saroj Raj Choudhury. Their relationship was very good. 

Summary of the topic : The Legend Behind A Legend

         Khairi, the tigress of Jashipur, made the entire forest famous. Before 25 years the writer had spent two days and two nights with Khairi and Saroj and Nihar. He had read a small news article in "The Statesman '' about the heroic achievements as a domesticated tigress in the Similipal forests of Odisha. Then the writer made up his mind to experience himself. He contacted a senior journalist N.S. Ayyasor in Berhampur and was told that Khairi, the tigress was under the care of a rough and tough man called Saroj Raj Choudhury. 

Summary of the topic The Legend Behind A Legend

     Then the writer got the complete address & asked Saroj Raj Choudhury if he could visit him. Then he got a letter of invitation from Jashipur from Saroj Raj Choudhury to visit him and he gave all the instructions of the place. Then the writer took a bus from Bhubaneswar to that place. He reached at 4 am in the semi darkness. Within a minute the forest guard detailed to escort him to the guest house & the writer was given a room & took rest. While working he heard the voice of the tigress outside the door. Then he was given tea and biscuits & was assured that it was Khairi outside the door. Then the writer met Saroj Raj Choudhury sitting on a large chair. He is a weak man of fifty and very kind hearted. He had different species of wild animals in his house. He lias a tigress named Khairi. Khairi came to him when she was a cub on October 5, 1974. She was very hungry and confused Saroj Raj Choudhury initiated the sounds of a Mother Tigress and within minutes she was firmly anchored in the fastening human. Khairi was brought to Saroj Raj Choudhury by 12 Kharia tribals at Similipal. Next Morning Saroj Raj Choudhury started his inspection Area and he went through narrow road in the woods. he was given a gun for his eighth birthday by his mother. He realised that there is a greater happiness in conserving beautiful animals. Animals don't harm people. 

              Saroj Raj Choudhury was an authority on the tiger and Director of Project Tiger in India. He introduced the Tiger Tracing Method of Tiger Census. He had great liking for wild animals. He had different species of wild animals in his house. He had a snake, a mongoose, a pangolin, wild cat twins, a country dog a blind Hyena. The snake that he had was a Krait. When it was a baby it was found in his compound. Khairio was curious to know mere and mere about that Krait. Sometimes the Krait bit the master. Suddenly he told a Tourniquet above that and got into his bloodstream and he became a permanent patient of hypo-glycomia. The animals understood all the expressions made by Saroj Raj Choudhury easily. This was the story.all about Khairi and his master Saroj Raj Choudhury. But after three months our writer visited that place again. He wanted to know more about Khairi. Saroj Raj was gracious enough to welcome the writer. He saw an eight foot long python in that house. Within two hours the writer continued his quest for the man and his passion. There was a wireless message from the world. Wildlife fund. Saroj was asked to catch a flight immediately for an important meeting at New Delhi the next day. Winter went to the Dum Dum Airport and saw him off at Calcutta. That was the last time to meet the legend behind a legend. In just over three months Khairi died. Then Saroj didn't live much longer. A unique tale of the tiger ended there. 

A notes about Khairi the tigress

Khairi was the tigress of Jashipur. She made the forest famous. She was a domesticated tigress in the Similipal forest of Odisha. The writer read a small news item in "The Statesman" about the achievements of Khairi. The writer was terror struck when he heard the voice of Khairi. Khairi roared to welcome the writer. Khairi was brought to Mr. Choudhury the forest officer on October 5, 1974. She was a cub then. She was very hungry and confused. Mr. Choudhury managed to frame the cub imitating the sounds of a mother tigress. Death of Khairi followed by the death of Choudhury. 

A notes about Mr. Saroj Raj Choudhury 

Mr. Saroj Raj Choudhury was an officer of Indian Forest Service. He was the foster father of Khairi, the tigress. He was a wakman of fifty slightly baiding on the top. In the chapter the writer found Mr. Choudhury as a kind hearted man. He was repeatedly bitten by the baby Krait. As a result he became a permanent patient of hypo-glyeamia. He had the capacity to handle wild animals. He also realised that there is greater happiness in conserving beautiful animals. He was an authority at the Tiger and Director of Project Tiger in India. He introduced the Tiger Training method of Tiger Census. He met his death at New Delhi while he had gone for an important meeting of the World Wild Life Fund.  

Question Answer of the Prose The Legend Behind A Legend

Question.1. Who is Khairi ?

Answer. Khairi is a tigress of Jashipur.

Question.2. How did the writer come to know about Khairi ?

Answer. The writer came to know about Khairi from “the Statesman”.

Question.3. Who was the Foster father of Khairi ?

Answer. Mr. Saroj Raj Choudhury was the foster father of Khairi.

Question.4. Which state does the writer belong ?

Answer. The writer belongs to Odisha.

Question.5. What did he learn about Saroj Raj Choudhury as a person ?

Answer. The writer learnt that Saroj Raj Choudhury was a gulf and tough man who brooked no nonsense and suffered no fools.

Question.6. How did he contact Mr. Choudhury ?

Answer. He contacted Mr. Choudhury by writing to him.

Question.7. Why did he refer some of his articles to Mr. Choudhury?

Answer. He referred to some of his articles to Mr. Choudhury because those articles referred to a few itinerant articles.

Question.8. Did Mr. Choudhury reply to the author’s letter? What did he write?

Answer. Yes, Mr. Choudhury repliedto the author’s letter. He wrote inviting the writer and giving him precise instructions to reach there.

Question.9. How did the writer come to Bhubaneswar?

Answer. The writer came from Bhubaneswar by bus.

Question.10. How did he go to Jashipur From Bhubaneswar?

Answer. He went to Jashipur from Bhubaneswar by train.

Question.11. How did the forest guard receive him?

Answer. The forest guard welcome him, took him to the guest house, showed him his room and told to take rest as soon as possible.

Question.12. Why was he terror-struck?

Answer. He was terror-struck because he heard the unmistakable voice of the tiger just outside his door.

Question.13. What did the bearer tell him about Khairi?

Answer. the bearer told him about khairi that it was outside the door makng friendly enquiries about the new guest in the house.

Question.14. What was Mr. Choudhury doing when the writer met him ?

Answer. When the writer met him Mr. Choudhury was sitting on a large chair.

Question.15. How did Mr.Choudhury greet the author?

Answer. Mr. Choudhury rose to great the author and asked Jambu to get down.

Question.16. What was the name of the bear ?

Answer. The name of the bear was Jambu.

Question.17. What was the physical appearance of Mr. Choudhury?

Answer. Mr. Choudhury was a frail man and fifties, slightly balding on the top.

Question.18. What kind of man did the author find Mr. Choudhury to be?

Answer. Mr. Choudhury was one of the most humble human beings that the author found.

Question.19. What kind of man did the author find Mr. Choudhury to be ?

Answer. Mr. Choudhury was one of the most humble human beings that the author found.

Question.20. What theory did Mr. Choudhury prove wrong?

Answer. Mr. Choudhury proved the theory wrong that they cannot co-exist unless they are together from infancy.

Question.21. What was his first story about?

Answer. His first story was about a Krait.

Question.22. Why is it so unique and amazing?

Answer. It is so unique and amazing because Khairi being a wild animal was curious to know more about the strange new creature.

Question.23.Why did Mr. Choudhury  allow Khairi to come near a Krait?

Answer. Mr. Choudhury allowed Khairi to come near a Krait to experiment the reaction of a young tiger to a snake.

Question.24.What was Khairi’s reaction to the presence of the Krait?

Answer. Khairi was curious to know more about the Krait.

Question.25. How did the experiment affect him?

Answer. The experiment went on for some time. Each time the Krait went close to Khairi Mr. Choudhury pulled its tail. Then it bit him.

Question.26. What did the bear try to do with the writer?

Answer. The bear tried to give the writer a bear hug.

Question.27. What prevented the bear from doing so?

Answer. A stern ‘no’ from Saroj was enough to prevent the bear from doing so.

Question.28. What kind of family did Mr. Choudhury have?

Answer. Mr. Choudhury had a veritable joint family that mongoose, a pangolin, wild cat twins, a country dog, a blind hyena.

Question.29. What was his relationship with different animals?

Answer. His relationship with different animals was father son relationship.

Question.30. How and when did Mr. Choudhury come across Khairi?

Answer. On October 5, 1974, 12 Kharia tribal of Similipal brought a two month old tiger cub to Mr. Chopudhury, an officer of the Indian forest service. That was Khairi.

Question.31. In what condition did he find?

Answer. He found that it was a female, famished and confused.

Question.32. How did he manage the hungry and confused cub ?

Answer. He imitated the sounds of a mother-tigress and within minutes the hungry and confused cub came to his control.

Question.33. How did he treat wild life in his young age ?

Answer. In his young age he shot wild life with abandon.

Question.34. What did he say about his change of attitude towards wildlife to the author ?

Answer. He said that he realised that there is greater happiness in conserving these beautiful animals that do no wanton harm to man.

Question.35. What was his contribution to the tiger project ?

Answer. He introduced the tiger tracing method of tiger census where the pugmarks of each animal with distinctive measurements and characteristics are miraculously recorded.

Question.36. What was the guest house like ?

Answer. The guest house was wooden structure with functional rooms and a bath. It was built on stilts and stood a good 15 feet above ground.

Question.37. What new experience did the author have in the tiger Reserve area ?

Answer. The author had a new experience for the first time. He had spent one night a top of a Magnificent Machan.

Question.38. After what interval of time did the writer visit Mr. Choudhury for the second time ?

Answer. The writer visited Mr. Choudhury for the second time after three months.

Question.39. What new addition to Choudhury family did he find there ?

Answer. He found an eight foot long young Python in addition to his old friends.

Question.40. Why did he get less time to interact with Mr. Choudhury this time ?

Answer. He got less time to interact with Mr. Choudhury this time because there was a wireless message from the World Wild Life Fund. Mr.Choudhury was asked immediately to catch a flight for an important meeting at New Delhi the next day.

Question.41. Who died first Khairi or Mr. Choudhury ?

Answer. Khairi died first.

Question.42. Who are the two legends the writer talk about ?

Answer. Khairi, the tigress and Mr.Choudhury are the two legends the writer talk about.

Question.43. The text is more about Mr. Choudhury or Khairi ?

Answer. The text is more about Mr. Choudhury.

Question.44. Can you guess now why the title of the text is “The legends behind legend” ?

Answer. The title of the text “The legend behind legend the legend “because it is impossible to fame wild animals and Mr. Choudhury was able to do all this. The second by to famous tigress is another legend. So the title in justified.

MCQ Question Answer of The Prose The Legend Behind A Legend

1. What is the meaning of the word wanton harm ?

(A) no harm

(B) less harm

(C) reckless harm

(D) secret harm

Answer is (C) reckless harm

2. Who was then an authority on the tiger and Director of project Tiger in lndia ?

(A) Nihch Raj Chaudhury

(B) Bhasker Raj Chrudhury

(C) Saroj Raj Chaudhury

(D) N. S. Ayyangar

Answer is (C) Saroj Raj Chaudhury

3. Which parts of speech is the word meticulously ?

(A) noun

(B) verb

(C) adverb

(D)  adjective

Answer is (C) adverb

4. According to the author ______ was a magnificent machan.

(A) the building where Saroj Chaudhury lived

(B) a guest house deep in the jungle

(C) the house where khairi and other animals lived

(D) none of the above

Answer is (B) a guest house deep in the jungle

5. When did the author come to Khairi-Jashipur again ?

(A) after six months

(B) after four months

(C) after three months

(D) after seven months

Answer is (C) after three months

6. What was the purpose of the second visit of the author to Khairi-Jashipur ?

(A)to know more about Mr. Chaudhury

(B) to know more about khairi

(C) to see the place again

(D) to enjoy the nature

Answer is (B) to know more about khairi

7. The author saw a _____ new animal in his second visit.

(A) a pangolin

(B) a blind hyena

(C) a rattle snake

(D) a young python

Answer is (D) a young python

8. What did the author search about in his second visit ?

(A) about the animals

(B) about World Wildlife Fund

(C) about Saroj Raj Chaudhury and his passion

(D) none of the above

Answer is (C) about Saroj Raj Chaudhury and his passion

9. Where came a wireless message to the Chaudhuy ?

(A) Department of Forest

(B) World Wildlife Fund

(C) Central Government

(D) None of the above

Answer is (B) World Wildlife Fund

10. To whom the author has described a legend behind a legend ?

(A) Khairi

(B) Mr. Saroj Raj Chaudhury

(C) Nihar Raj Chaudhury

(D) None of the above

Answer is (B) Mr. Saroj Raj Chaudhury

11. Where did the author meet Mr. Chaudhury last time ?

(A) at New Delhi

(B) in Dum Dum Airport

(C) at Mumbai

(D) at Jashipur

Answer is (B) in Dum Dum Airport

12. Who made the forest famous ?

(A) Mr. Chaudhury

(B) Tourist

(C) Author

(D) Khairi

Answer is (D) Khairi

13. ______ was the tigress of Jashipur.

(A) Nhairi

(B) Khairi

(C) Bhairi

(D) Shairi

Answer is  (B) Khairi

14. Khairi live in ________.

(A) Bhitarkanika

(B) Similipal forasts

(C) Kanchajanga

(D) National Zoo, Kolkata

Answer is (B) Similipal forasts

15. N. S. Ayyangar was a _______.

(A) a politician

(B) a senior journalist

(C) a zoologist

(D) a veterinary doctor

Answer is (B) a senior journalist

16. Khairi was under the care of _______.

(A) N. S. Ayyangar

(B) Hariharan

(C) Saroj Raj Chaudhry

(D) Nihar Raj Chaudhury

Answer is (C) Saroj Raj Chaudhry

17. Khairi was a _______.

(A) wild tigress

(B) domesticated tigress

(C) zoo tigress

(D) tigress of a circus

Answer is (B) domesticated tigress

18. _______had invited the author to Khairi-Jashipur.

(A) Nihar Raj Chaudhury

(B) Saroj RAJ Chaudhury

(C) N. S. Ayyangar

(D) Forest ranger

Answer is B) Saroj RAJ Chaudhury

19. _______escorted the author to the guest house from the bus stop at Khairi-Jashipur.

(A) Forest Ranger

(B) Forest Guard

(C) Forest Guide

(D) None of the above

Answer is (B) Forest Guard

20. What was Khairi doing outside the guest house when the author was inside the room ?

(A) making friendly enquiries

(B) making fun

(C) searching for enemies if any

(D) none of the above

Answer is (A) making friendly enquiries

21. Jambu was a _______.

(A) a monkey a

(B) a bear

(C) a sloth bear

(D) a donkey

Answer is (C) a sloth bear

22. The name of the snake living in Mr. Chaudhury s house was ________.

(A) cobra

(B) python

(C) krait

(D) rattle snake

Answer is (C) krait

23. Mr. Chaudhury was bitten by a snake and as a result he became a permanent patient of ______.

(A) diabetics

(B) hypo-glycaemia

(C) leukaemia

(D) high blood pressure

Answer is (B) hypo-glycaemia

24. How did Mr. Saroj Raj Chaudhury instruct his men in the forests ?

(A) on the computer internet

(B) on the VHF wireless

(C) on the T.V.

(D) by the mobile phone

Answer is (B) on the VHF wireless

25. What did Mr. Saroj Raj Chaudhury do when he was bitten by a krait, the poisonous snake ?

(A) immediately cut the biting place

(B) immediately applied medicine

(C) immediately tied a tourniquet

(D) met a doctor

Answer is (C) immediately tied a tourniquet

26. When did Khairi come to Mr. Chaudhury’s hands ?

(A) Nov. 5, 1974

(B) Doc. 5 1974

(C) Oct. 5, 1974

(D) Sept. 5 1974

Answer is (C) Oct. 5, 1974

27. Who got the baby tiger and handed it over to Mr. Chaudhury ?

(A) 12 Kharia tribals

(B) 12 Gonda tribals

(C) 12 Santhal tribals

(D) None of them

Answer is (A) 12 Kharia tribals

28. Saroj Raj Chaudhury was ________.

(A) lndian police Service officer

(B) lndian foreign Service offier

(C) lndian Forest Seivce officer

(D) a low cadre forest official

Answer is (C) lndian Forest Seivce officer

29. What is the meaning of the word famished ?

(A) very tired

(B) very smart

(C) very careful

(D) very hungry

Answer is (D) very hungry

30. Mr. Choudhury handled and consoled the hungry and angry cub by _______.

(A) by giving it milk to drink

(B) by showing her the picture of a mother tigress

(C) by making sounds of a mother tigress

(D) by leaving it all alone

Answer is (C) by making sounds of a mother tigress

31. Where does lie the greater happiness of Mr.Chaudhuy ?

(A) in killing animals

(B) in conserving animals

(C) in destroying animals habitat

(D) none of the above

Answer is (B) in conserving animals

32. Similipal is in _________.

(A) Andhra Pradesh

(B) Odisha

(C) Bihar

(D) Delhi

answer is (B) Odisha

The Legend Behind A Legend Prose Summary And Question Answer In English  

The Legend Behind A Legend Prose Summary And Question Answer In English  

The legend behind a legend summary

The legend behind a legend question answer

The legend behind a legend question answer pdf


  1. Q9 and A9 is wrong. Q9 asks How did he come to Bhubaneswar? ad A9 says He went from Bhubaneswar by Bus. It is wrong
