Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Most Useful Opposite Words Exercise in English For All Classes

Most Useful Opposite Words Exercise in English for all classes

Most Useful Opposite Words Exercise in English for all classes

Early - late

Encourage - discourage

words       opposite words 

Give -             take

Gain -             loss

Go -               come

Sell -                buy

Hot -              cold

Open -           close

High -            low

Above -         below

Tall -              short

Wet -               dry

Warm -            cool

Before -          after

Friend -        enemy

Far -                near

Sweet -           sour

Sleep -             wake

Rise -               fall

Earn -            spend

Ripe -              raw

Difficult -       easy

Clean -           dirty

Light -            dark

Dead -            alive

Lose -            gain

Clever -        foolish

Hard -             soft

Best -            worst

Back -             front

Top -             bottom

Head -             tail

Fat –               thin

Wet -               dry

Laugh -            cry

Present -         absent

Pull -               push

Big -               small

Blame -           praise

Short -            long

Save -             waste

Better -           worse

Foolish -          wise

Accept -           reject

Joy -                sorrow

Death -             birth

Fresh -              stale

Proud-            humble

Loose -             tight

Quick -            slow

Punish -          reward

Pain -              pleasure

Upper -              lower

Admit -             deny

Agree -             differ

Huge -               tiny

Healthy -            weak

Quick -              slow

Slave -              master

Sure -               doubtful

External -           internal

Cruel -                kind

Remember -       forget

Cruel -              merciful

Relaxed -            worried

Love -                 hate

Gentle -               rude

Rough -             smooth

Gentle -              hares

Float -                 sink

Strict -             lenient

Minimum -    maximum

Useful -        useless

Harmful -      harmless

Handsome -    ugly

Danger -        safety

Failure -       success

Fail -          succeed

Wild -           tame

Noise -          silence

Increase -       decrease

Profit -          loss

Obey -           disobey

Narrow -       broad/wide

Begin -          end

Comfort -         discomfort

Appear -           disappear

Encourage -      discourage

Honour -         dishonour/shame

Happy -           unhappy

Please -           displease

Before -           after

Choose the correct alternative

1. Write the opposite word of ‘fat’

(A) narrow

(B) short

(C) thin

(D) mat

Answer is   (C) thin

2. Write the opposite word of ‘give’

(A) take

(B) lend

(C) borrow

(D) bring

Answer is    (A) take

3. Write the opposite word of ‘laugh’

(A) smile

(B) whistle

(C) cry

(D) threaten

Answer is   (A) smile

4. Write the opposite word of ‘sleep’

(A) wake

(B) get up

(C) asleep

(D) alive

Answer is    (A) wake

5. Write the opposite word of ‘big’

(A) small

(B) short

(C) narrow

(D) thin

Answer is      (A) small

6. Write the opposite word of ‘quick’

(A) slow

(B) fast

(C) last

(D) first

Answer is            (A) slow

7. Write the opposite word of ‘fail’

(A) sell

(B) stable

(C) hope

(D) succeed

Answer is         (D) succeed

8. Write the opposite word of ‘failure’

(A) success

(B) end

(C) beginning

(D) finish

Answer is          (A) success

9. Write the opposite word of ‘hard’

(A) glaze

(B) narrow

(C) soft

(D) cool

Answer is       (C) soft

10. Write the opposite word of ‘better’

(A) best

(B) worse

(C) good

(D) bad

Answer is       (B) worse

11. What is the opposite verb of ‘go’ ?

(A) gone

(B) were

(C) come

(D) going

Answer is      (C) come

12. Write the opposite word of ‘hot’

(A) warm

(B) cold

(C) lukewarm

(D) ice

Answer is        (B) cold

13. Write the opposite word of ‘open’

(A) close

(B) reopen

(C) over

(D) finish

Answer is     (A) close

14. Write the opposite word of ‘narrow’

(A) wide/broad

(B) cold

(C) circular

(D) bureau

Answer is         (A) wide/broad

15. Write the opposite word of ‘admit’

(A) destroy

(B) refuse

(C) deny

(D) discard

Answer is        (C) deny

16. Write the opposite word of ‘upper’

(A) dipper

(B) down

(C) slower

(D) lower

Answer is      (D) lower

17. Write the opposite word of ‘useful’

(A) valuable

(B) useless

(C) valueless

(D) awesome

Answer is     (B) useless

18. Write the opposite word of ‘maximum’

(A) minimum

(B) highest

(C) largest

(D) minimise

Answer is         (A) minimum

19. Write the opposite word of ‘early’

(A) first

(B) slowly

(C) late

(D) last

Answer is         (C) late

20. Write the opposite word of ‘sale’

(A) buy

(B) bargain

(C) discount

(D) purchase

Answer is          (D) purchase

21. Write the opposite word of ‘begin’

(A) end

(B) finish

(C) fail

(D) start

Answer is          (A) end

22. What is the opposite of ‘appear’ ?

(A) erase

(B) rise

(C) fall

(D) disappear

Answer is        (D) disappear

23. What is the opposite of ‘happy’ ?

(A) dishappy

(B) sorrow

(C) unhappy

(D) ugly

Answer is      (C) unhappy

24. What is the opposite of ‘joy’ ?

(A) sorrow

(B) happy

(C) gloomy

(D) cruel

Answer is          (A) sorrow

25. What is the opposite of ‘clean’ ?

(A) neat

(B) thin

(C) dirty

(D) pure

Answer is        (C) dirty

26. What is the opposite of ‘death’ ?

(A) birth

(B) born

(C) ill

(D) die

Answer is        (A) birth

27. What is the opposite of ‘dead’ ?

(A) alive

(B) awake

(C) birth

(D) asleep

Answer is       (A) alive

28. What is the opposite of ‘light’ ?

(A) safe

(B) danger

(C) dark

(D) fight

Answer is      (C) dark

29. What is the opposite of ‘cleaver’ ?

(A) wise

(B) never

(C) learned

(D) foolish

Answer is         (D) foolish

30. What is the opposite of ‘rise’ ?

(A) fall

(B) awake

(C) fell

(D) down

Answer is          (A) fall

31. What is the opposite of ‘agree’ ?

(A) different

(B) disagree

(C) argue

(D) refuse

Answer is          (B) disagree

32. What is the opposite of ‘accept’ ?

(A) argue

(B) except

(C) propose

(D) reject

Answer is          (D) reject

33. What is the opposite of ‘earn’ ?

(A) spend

(B) buy

(C) sale

(D) purchase

Answer is    (A) spend

34. What is the opposite of ‘remember’ ?

(A) reminder

(B) remind

(C) forget

(D) dispose

Answer is           (C) forget

35. What is the opposite of ‘obey’ ?

(A) agree

(B) disobey

(C) refuse

(D) accept

Answer is          (B) disobey

36. What is the opposite of ‘short’ ?

(A) high

(B) low

(C) front

(C) long

Answer is           (D) long

37. What is the opposite of ‘present’ ?

(A) absent

(B) represent

(C) descent

(D) forget

Answer is           (A) absent

38. What is the opposite of ‘before’ ?

(A) now

(B) past

(C) today

(D) after

Answer is           (D) after

39. What is the opposite of ‘tall’ ?

(A) long

(B) high

(C) short

(D) low

Answer4 is            (C) short

40. What is the opposite of ‘friend’ ?

(A) philosopher

(B) enemy

(C) guide

(D) girl friend

Answer is            (B) enemy

41. What is the opposite of ‘big’ ?

(A) giant

(B) heavy

(C) small

(D) little

Answer is             (C) small

42. What is the opposite of ‘advance’ ?

(A) advanced

(B) go ahead

(C) return

(D) advancing

Answer is           (C) return

43. What is the opposite of ‘pass’ ?

(A) passed

(B) fall

(C) take

(D) fail

Answer is       (D) fail

44. Find the opposite word of ‘make‘

(A) made

(B) brake

(C) making

(D) break

Answer is           (D) break

45. Find the opposite word of ‘construct’

(A) construction

(B) destruction

(C) destroy

(D) constructing

Answer is            (C) destroy

46. Find the opposite word of ‘buy’

(A) bought

(B) buys

(C) sell

(D) sale

Answer is       (D) sale

47.  Find the opposite word of ‘sink’

(A) sail

(B) rise

(C) sinking

(D) float

Answer is         (D) float

48. Write the opposite word of ‘doubt’

(A) doubtless

(B) doubts

(C) doubting

(D) believe

Answer is       (D) believe

49.  Write the opposite word of ‘mount’

(A) mismount

(B) unmount

(C) dismount

(D) mounting

Answer is             (C) dismount

50. Write the opposite word of ‘leave’

(A) come

(B) go

(C) arrive

(D) leaving

Answer is        (C) arrive

51. Write the opposite word of ‘send’

(A) sent

(B) get

(C) brought

(D) receive

Answer is          (D) receive

Most Useful Opposite Words in English

opposite words exercise in English for all classes

important english opposite words list

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