Sunday, March 19, 2023

Odia FLN Training Module Question Answer

Odia FLN Training Module Question Answer

Odia FLN Training Module Question Answer is the important part of FLN. As a primary teacher a teacher should know about this odia fln training module question answer. The monitoring body personals ask this odia fln training module question answer while visiting school. So let’s discuss on Odia FLN training module question answer.

Odia FLN Training Module Question Answer online learn camp

FLN and NIPUN Bharat Mission

FLN Foundational Literacy and Numeracy is the skill based learning education part of primary classes. In this programme student from class 1 to 3 will learn the basic skills on literacy and numeracy. It is the only programme where children learn the skill of language and skill of foundational math. FLN is the part of NIPUN BHARAT of NEP 2020. Teachers should know about FLN and its basic information towards school children education.

FLN Question Answer

1. What is FLN ?

FLN is the skill based learning programme where children skilled in language and mathematics.

2. What is the full form of FLN ?

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy is the full form of FLN.

3. What is full form of NIPUN Bharat Mission ?

National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understating and Numeracy Bharat is the full form of NIPUN Bharat Mission.

4. What is aim of NIPUN Bharat Mission ?

The aim of this mission is to create a learning-friendly environment so that all children who complete the third standard by 2026-2027 acquire basic literacy and numeracy skills.

5. What is developmental Goal ?

A developmental goal is a target or objective that a children sets to improve their skills, knowledge, or abilities over a period of time

6. How many Developmental Goal (DG) are there in FLN for Class 1 children ?

There are three Developmental Goals in FLN for Class 1 Children.

Developmental Goal 1: Children will maintain good health and well-being

Developmental Goal 2: Children will be effective communicators

Developmental Goal 3: Children will become active learners by participating in learning and interacting with their environment

7. What is 5+3+3+4 ?

5+3+3+4 is the four stages structure of admission in to different classes under Indian New Education Policy 2020.

5 years of Early Childhood Development (ECD) - for the children of age 3 to age 8
( Anganwadi at age of 3 and Class 1 and 2 )

3 years of Basic Education - for children from age 8 to 11
(Class – 3, Class – 4 and Class – 5 )

3 years of Lower Secondary Education - for children from age 11 to 14
( Class – 6, Class – 7 and Class – 8 )

4 years of Secondary Education - for children from age 14 to 18
(Class – 9, Class – 10 , Class – 11 and Class – 12 )

Hence, 5+3+3+4 which represents the total number of years of education a child will receive under the NEP 2020, from Early Childhood Development to Secondary Education.

8. What is Balvatika ?

The third year of pre-school or Anganwadi, from 5 years to 6 years is called Balbatika

9. What is FLN Mission Stage ?

The stages of FLN are

Preschool – 1 (age 3 to age 4)

Preschool – 2 (age 4 to age 5)

Preschool (Balvatika) – 3 (age 5 to age 6)

Grade – 1 (age 6 to age 7)

Grade – 2 (age 7 to age 8)

Grade – 3 (age 8 to age 9)

10. Which children are included in FLN Mission ?

The children of age of 3 to age 9 are included in FLN Mission ?

11. What is Bidya Prabesh ?

Bidya Prabesh is a basic curriculum context to access school education for the grade one children.

12. How long Bidya Prabesh curriculum carried on ?

Three month long the Bidya Prabesh Curriculum carried on.

13. What is the full form of FLN in education in odia ?

The full form of FLN in education in odia is Moulika Sakhyarata o Sankhya Gyan  

Odia FLN Training Module Question Answer online learn camp

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