Wednesday, March 23, 2022

12th Class English Poem Fishing Summary, MCQ And Question Answer

12th Class English Poem Fishing Summary, MCQ And Question Answer plus two english poem fishing poem mcq plus two english poem fishing question answer 12th class english poem fishing summary 12th class english poem fishing mcq question answer pdf

By Gopa Ranjan Mishra

12th Class English Poem Fishing Summary, MCQ And Question Answer


Gopa Ranjan Mishra

About the poet 

Gopa Ranjan Mishra(1954 - ), a well-known teacher of English in Odisha, has a fascination for writing poems in English. He has recited most of his poems to learned audiences in different parts of the country and has been widely acclaimed. At present, he is working as the Principal of J.K.B.K College, Cuttack.

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The Poem Text

Like a seasoned angler sure of his feat

With fishing rod and line, and bait

I said, "You all, wait for me

Fish-fry tonight our dinner will be."


Though none of them did say a word

On my face, yet I heard

Some chuckles sure at my back

I told myself, "Let me come back."


To the nearby pond I straightaway ran

With fishing-tackle, and of course, a can;

The minutes passed and the hours dragged

It seemed no luck that day I had.


I thought fishless l'd return home

And would face the jeers of some

I threw my line with a fervent wish

"Oh God, today please give me a fish."


And lo, the float sank, rose again

And popped its head to tell me then

"This is just the time, you man,

To catch a fish if you can."


Without delay I pulled the string

And what a catch did it bring!

A one-foot fish, bright and fair

That wriggled and wriggled in the air.


At this my joy knew no bound

I ran excited round and round,

But with a gasping mouth and wistful look

It seemed to say, "Please unhook

Me and let me go again

To my home, my watery den."


I did think of my three hours' labour

And the spicy fish-fry flavour

Back home some mocking face would stare

For nothing, however, I did care.


As the sun was sinking behind the hill

A strange feeling my heart did fill

In the evening's crimson glow

With greater joy, I let it go.

Question Answer of the poem fishing

1. What idea of the speaker’s age do you find in the first line?

Answer. The speaker‘s age may be more than fifty. He is like a seasoned anger.

2. How did the speaker prepare himself for fishing?

Answer. The Speaker prepared himself for fishing with a fishing rod, line and food put on a hook to catch a fish. He was in appositive and determined attitude at that time.

3. What did he declare to his family? What silent feedback did he sense from the members of the family?

Answer is.  He declared to his family to wait for him, because the dinner would be marked by a special dish fish-fry . He sensed silent laughter from the members of his family.

4. Describe his initial experience. (Lines 9-12)

Answer. He went fast to the nearby pond straightway with all the equipment required for fishing and a can. The minutes trickled by and the hours seemed to pass very solely. It appeared as if he were luckless that day. In short, his initial, experience was a blend of both certainty and uncertainty.  

5. What did he dread to face when he would be back at home?

Answer. He dreads to face the taunting words some family members if he returned home without a fish.

6. How was his prayer answered?

Answer. His prayer was answered when he had a marvellous catch at his disposal. He now succeeds in catching a beautiful one-foot bright and fair fish.

7. Discuss the contrasting mood presented in stanza 3, 4 and 5.

Answer. In stanza 3, the speaker was in a despair mood as all his efforts to catch fish seemed futile. In stanza 4, he was in contrasting mood to face the mockery of his family member and kept faith on God’s goodness. In stanza 5, he was in a hopeful mood getting the opportunity to catch fish.

8. Describe the ‘catch’.

Answer. Driven by determination, the speaker pulled the string of his angle and it brought him a marvellous catch- ‘A one-foot fish’ bright and fair’ moving in a twisted manner in the air.

9. How has the speaker described his joy and the despair of the fish?

Answer. The speaker has described his joy by running round and round in excitement and the fish’s despair in terms of its brittleness and sad look that express its longing to be free.

10. What did he think the fish was pleading for?

Answer. He thought the fish was pleading for its freedom. The fish requested him to allow it to go back its pond.

11. What was the debate in the speaker’s mind?

Answer. The speaker debated his three hour’s toil. The tasty fish-fry smell and the mocking face of some family members staring at him, when he got back home fishless.

12. Discuss the significance of: “for nothing, however,  I did care.” (In. 34)

Answer. The speaker was determined to care for nothing – three hours’ toil ’tasty fish-fry flavour and specially, some mocking face of his family starting at him.

13. What was the stage felling that the speaker felt? Can you relate the feeling to the ‘crimson glow’ and ‘greater joy that convey the speaker’s act of kindness and immense pleasure.

14. Which action brought about a greater joy in the heart of the speaker’s? In comparison to the ultimate greater joy, what do you think would have been a lesser happiness?

Answer. The speaker’s action of allowing the fish to go back to its pond brought about a greater joy in the heart of a speaker. In comparison to the ultimate greater joy I think the speaker’s reluctant response to the fish’s appeal or lack of his kindness would have been a lesser happiness.

15. Why does he find this feeling strange?

Answer. He finds this feeling strange, because of several factors such as, his linking for fish-fry and the taunting remarks of his family members. Besides, the speaker’s fear and anxiety gives way to determination.

16. Do you think the speaker was sensitive? Why do you think so? (Clue: at least two reason)

Answer. Yes, the speaker was very sensitive, because he did not approve the tuning remarks of his family member’s. Besides, he was moved by the sight of the fish’s despair.

17. Notice that all the stanzas excluding stanza 7 have four lines each and make one complete sentence. How is stanza 7 different form other stanzas?

Answer. All the stanzas in the poem have four lines each and make one complete sentence. On the other hand, stanza 7 has ten lines to make two complete sentences. In this way, stanza 7 is different from other stanzas.

18. Describe the change that the speaker had between the morning and the evening of the same day.

Answer. The speaker experienced a sense of dread and uncertainty and great joy between the morning and the evening of the same day. The morning brought him first two felling and the evening the last one.

 MCQ Question Answer of the poem Fishing 

1. Who is the author of the poem ‘fishing’?

(a) Gopa Ranjan Raout

(b) Gopa Ranjan Nanda

(c) Gopa Ranjan Mishra

(d) Gopa Ranjan Jena

Answer is (c) Gopa Ranjan Mishra

2. The last stanza of the poem expresses quite different feelings of the speaker. He with a grater joy allowed the fish to go. What kind of idea it conveys?

(a) Live and let others live

(b) Joy of the fish is the joy of the speaker

(c) An act of kindness is a rich source of joy

(d) Be kind and good to others

Answer is c) An act of kindness is a rich source of joy

3. What do you mean by ‘mocking’ here?

(a) Those who condemn

(b) Those who praise

(c) Those who criticise

(d) Those who talk at your back

Answer is (c) those who criticise

4. How many hours the speakers has laboured to each the fish?

(a) two

(b) one

(c) three

(d) four

Answer is (c) three

5. The stanza 8 describes the speaker’s state of mind which we guess he is in ___________.

(a) dilemma

(b) Dissatisfaction

(c) Nervous

(d) Deep thought

Answer is (a) dilemma

6. Where does the fish desire to go?

(a) To its mother

(b) To God’s home

(c) To its home in water

(d) To the speaker’s stomach

Answer is (a) to its mother

7. What do you mean by ‘Please unhook me’?

(a) Keep me hanging

(b) Free me from the hook

(c) Tie me with a hook

(d) Don’t hurt me

Answer is (b) free me from the hook

8. What does the speaker understand by the gasping mouth and wistful look of the fish?

(a) It says to leave him         

(b) It says not to kill him

(c) It says to keep him pet

(d) None of the above

Answer is (a) it says to leave him             

9. What is the kind of expression of the speaker seen form the first two lines of the stanza 7?

(a) He is unhappy

(b) He is delighted

(c) He is consoled

(d) He is hopeful

Answer is (b) He is delighted

10. What do you mean by the word ‘wriggled’?

(a) Making rounds

(b) Moved in different direction

(c) Moved by twisting

(d) Moved by hanging

Answer is (c) moved by twisting

11. How long was the fish caught by the speaker?

(a) Half-foot

(b) One-foot

(c) One and half feet

(d) 2 feet

Answer is (b) One-foot

12. The sixth stanza of the poem speaks _______ about the speaker?

(a) Success

(b) Failure

(c) Frustration

(d) Contentment

Answer is (a) success

13. The fifth stanza of the poem expresses some signs of change and forms this speaker is________ about a fish.

(a) Hopeless

(b) Hopeful

(c) Neither hopeless nor hopeful

(d) None of the above

Answer is (b) hopeful

14. He thought if he would return home without a fish he would face the jeers of some. What does the word ‘jeers’ mean?

(a) Sympathetic remarks

(b) Consolatory remarks

(c) Rude remarks

(d) Funny remarks

Answer is (c) rude remarks

15. then for a fish’ he prayed God with a______ wish.

(a) deep

(b) Fixate

(c) Fervent

(d) Faithful

Answer is (c) fervent

16. What kind of felling the speaker has, as we come to know form the fourth stanza of the poem?

(a) Satisfaction

(b) Frustration

(c) Contented

(d) Carelessness

Answer is (b) frustration

17. The speaker as a seasoned angler sat on the blank of the pond to catch fish. But it was not possible as minutes and the hours passed without a success. What did he feel of himself?

(a) He felt unlucky

(b) He felt disappointed

(c) He cursed himself

(d) He felt himself a failure

Answer is (a) He felt unlucky

18. What did the speaker do with a fishing-tackle in hand?

(a) Ran straight to a nearby river

(b) Ran to a nearby lake

(c) Ran straight to a nearby pond

(d) None of the above

Answer is (c) ran straight to a nearby pond

19. What do you mean by the word ‘chuckles’?

(a) back-biting

(b) Gossip

(c) Make fun

(d) Silent laughter

Answer is (d) silent laughter

20. In the second stanza of the poem (line 5 to 8) the family members of the speaker has taken the word of him nothing but a fun. How is it expressed in the poem?

(a) Some back-biting sure at my back

(b) Some gossip sure at my back

(c) Some chuckles sure at my back

(d) None of the above

Answer is (c) some chuckles sure at my back

21. In the first stanza of the poem (1 to 4), the speaker as a seasoned angler has assured his family members of something for their dinner. What is that?

(a) chicken-fry

(b) fish-fry

(c) prawn-fry

(d) egg-fry

Answer is (b) fish-fry

22. What do you understand by the word ‘bait’?

(a) Food put on a hook to catch fish

(b) A stick pasted with gum to catch fish

(c) A net with small holes to catch fish

(d) None of the above

Answer is (a) food put on a hook to catch fish

23. In the first line of the poem, the speaker described himself as a vastly experienced one. Which word speaks of his experience?

(a) Sure

(b) Seasoned

(c) Feat

(d) Danger

Answer is (b) seasoned

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12th Class English Poem Fishing Summary, MCQ And Question Answer plus two english poem fishing poem mcq plus two english poem fishing question answer 12th class english poem fishing summary 12th class english poem fishing mcq question answer pdf 

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