Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Standing Up For Yourself Prose MCQ Question Answer And Summary Notes pdf CHSE+2

Standing Up For Yourself Prose MCQ Question Answer And Summary Notes pdf CHSE+2

Standing Up For Yourself Prose MCQ Question Answer And Summary Notes pdf CHSE+2

STANDING UP FOR YOURSELF by Yevgeny Yevtushenko (1933)

About the Author Yevgeny Yevtushenko 

Yevgeny Yevtushenko is a promising Russian poet. His poetic career started with the publication of his first volume of poems in 1952. He represented the young generation of poets. He became the voice of the young poets who were bent upon seeing the old truths about socialist realism in a newer light. Flowers and Bullets, Freedom to Kill and Stolen Apples testify to his poetic genius. Besides, he is novelist, essayist, dramatist, screenwriter, actor, editor and a director of films. 

About the Topic Standing Up For Yourself Story

The author's parents were divorced when he was still a boy. The divorce plunged him into a state of loneliness. He turned this loneliness into a challenge. Thus his life began on a note of challenge. This topic is built around an incident in his boyhood while he was living in Moscow. It demonstrates that fear can be met effectively and successfully. 

Summary of the Prose Standing Up For Yourself Story

The present essay gives a poetic description of the author's beloved encounter with a hoodlum while as a boy he was living in Moscow. The author injects realism in his narration of the incident. 

The essay begins with the author's description of his divorced parents. Their divorce drove him into the street. His life started in the street. It became his home. He found his world in it. He describes his life in the street in a lighter vein. It was in the street that he swore and smoked. Here he learnt the spirit of fearlessness. 

The author gives a vivid account of the ruler of the street. A boy about sixteen nicknamed Red was the hero of the street. He was a picture of panic to all. He was walking up and down the street careless of the people around him. His wide legs, fiery forelock and green eyes dominated the street. He was always moving with two or three lieutenants. Red was a ruffian. His lieutenants could stop any boy unhesitatingly and empty out his pocket.

The whole street reacted in blatant fear. The author was also not free. But still he was seized with a desire to conquer his fear of Red. He wrote a poem about the ruffian who always carried a heavy metal knuckle-duster in his pocket. The poem was on everybody's lips. The whole street exhibited their dislike for Red with great joy. One morning on the way to school, the author accidentally met Red and his lieutenants. His eyes were fixed on the author with hatred and vengeance. He struck his head violently with his knuckle-duster. He was unconscious and was confined to bed for several days. 

He again saw Red and torn by panic, he quickly escaped his notice. A sense of shame and cowardice overwhelmed him. He mustered courage. Fierce determination stared him in the face, He would defeat Red come what may. It was a challenge to him. He took to training with parallel bars and weights. He also remembered the Japanese method of wrestling which he had read in a book. He had to barter his ration card for a text-book on ju-jitsu which deals with the Japanese art of self-defense. He was engrossed in practicing this art with his friends for three weeks. He was filled with renewed confidence. He went out to meet the challenge of his life. 

Sitting on the lawn, Red was lost in playing vingt-et-un with his lieutenants. In spite of lurking fear, he faced them with utter rudeness scattering their cards. Red flew into anger and before he used knuckle-duster, the author crushed him. Writhing with pain, Red lay on the ground. He came to him like a maddened bull. What that writer had read in the book prompted him to deal with him without a shred of fear. He caught his wrist and squeezed him. His knuckle-duster could not help him. He fell down and was left to sob and wipe out his tears of defeat. The strong ruffian's vanity and rule of the street were torn to pieces. 

The incident still clings to the author's memory. His encounter with the monarch of the street taught him a lesson. One can easily overcome the fear of the strong, and the secret to beat them is to master the Japanese art of self-defense. Another lesson which he learnt was that to be a poet one need not only write poems, but to support its essence. 

Standing Up For Yourself Question Answer

1. Is the narrator a child or an adult narrating his childhood experiences ? 
Answer. The narrator is an adult narrating his childhood experiences. 

2. Does the narrator have happy experiences in his childhood ? Why/Why not ?
Answer. The narrator has both happy and unhappy experiences in his childhood. His parents were divorced. His mother left him. These circumstances made him lonely. The street became his teacher. He cultivated all bad habits. Another good habit he developed was the spirit of fearlessness which he has kept intact till today. 

3. What was his relationship with his father? 
Answer. The narrator's father lived somewhere in Kazakhstan with his new wife and hardly he got letters from his father. In short, there was no genuine relationship between father and son. 

4. How did his mother spend her time ? Answer. His mother spent her time singing and giving entertainment for the troops.

5. What does 'my education was left to the street' mean here ? 
Answer. After divorce, his father lived with his new wife and his mother spent time in singing and giving entertainment for the troops. As a result, he became lonely and the street became his master. It taught him both good and bad habits. 

6. What were two habits that remained with him all his life ? 
Answer. The two habits that remained with him all his life were his preparedness to face the battle of life any moment and the spirit of fearlessness.

7. What in your opinion was the best lesson that the street taught to the writer ?
Answer. In my opinion the best lesson that the street taught to the writer was the habit of fearlessness. It taught him not to fear anyone.

8. What made red look older than he really was ?
Answer. His big and broad shoulder made Red look older than he really was.

9. How did Red roam in the street ?
Answer. He roamed carelessly in the street with legs wide. He walked like a seaman on the floor of a ship.

10. How did he dress himself ?
Answer. He dressed himself in a peculiar manner. He put on a cap. From under his cap the writer noticed its peak at the back of his head.

11. Did he intentionally dress and work in the manner described ?
Answer. Yes, a villain as he was, Red intentionally dressed and walked in the manner described.

12. Why did his lieutenants also wear their caps back to front ?
Answer. His lieutenants also wore their caps back to front because they, like Red, wanted to evoke fear in everyone's mind. 

13. What pet animal comes to your mind when you read the expression "tripped at his heels" ?
Answer. When we read the expression "tripped at his heels" the pet animal that comes to my mind is a dog.

14. What was his way of forcing money out of other boys ?
Answer. His way of forcing money out of other boys was to stop them and say simply but family the one word 'money'.

15. How did he rule the street ?
Answer. He ruled the street by stopping any boy and saying simply but firmly nothing but the one word money. His hangers on emptied his pockets and they beat him ruthlessly in case he resisted.

16. What's the narrator afraid of Red ? Quote the sentence from the text in support of your answer.
Answer. The narrator was certainly afraid of Red. The line 'so was I' is a case in point. 

17. What was the first thing the narrator did to overcome his fear of Red ? 
Answer. The first thing that the narrator did to overcome his fear of Red was to write a poem about him. 

18. How did the people in the street respond to the poem ? 
Answer. The people in the street learnt the poem by heart. They were filled with great joy and excitement. Their hatred for Red ruled the most. 

19. Explain the expression 'triumphant hatred'. 
Answer. The narrator's poem about Red filled the people in the street with great joy and excitement. They gave up their fear of Red and expressed their hatred for him with great satisfaction. 

20. How did Red sneer at the narrator ? Answer. Red addressed the narrator as a poet slowly with a mischievous smile on his face. He commented sarcastically that at last he wrote verses and asked if they rhymed. 

21. What was the result of his first encounter with Red ? 
Answer. Red struck the narrator's head with a metal covering for the knuckles. As a result, he fell down with blood gushing out of his head and lost consciousness. He was confined to bed for several days. This was the result of his first encounter with Red. 

22. "This was my first remuneration as a poet' - was the narrator happy with his reward as a poet ? 
Answer. The narrator was not happy at all with his reward as a poet. 

23. What was a more difficult situation for the narrator : to be injured by Red or to overcome his fear of Red when he saw Red after his injury ? 
Answer. A more difficult situation for the narrator was to overcome his fear when he saw Red after his injury. 

24. What was the result of his second encounter with Red ? 
Answer. The result of his second encounter with Read was his determination to defeat fear of Red despite suffering shame and experiencing futile anger at his cowardice.

25. How did the narrator train himself to grow stronger ? 
Answer. To grow stronger, the narrator trained himself with a pair of parallel bars meant for gymnastic exercises. Besides, he resorted to weights. 

26. How did he get a textbook on ju-jitsu ? Answer. He got a text-book on ju-jitsu in exchange for a week's ration card. 

27. How long did he train himself before the final encounter with Red ? 
Answer. He trained himself for three weeks before the final encounter with Red. 

28. Where did the final encounter take place ? What was Red doing then ? 
Answer. The final encounter took place on the lawn in their yard, when Red was lost in playing a card game called vingt-et-un with his hangers-on. 

29. How did the narrator attack Red ? 
Answer. The narrator kicked and scattered cards played by Red and his lieutenants. 

30. How did Red react to the narrator's attack ? 
Answer. Red reacted to the narrator's attack in a state of surprise and asked him mockingly if he was looking for more. 

31. How did the narrator tackle Red ? 
Answer. The narrator tackled Red by making a fast sudden blow to him. Confused, he came towards the former furiously. The narrator cut him to size by catching his wrist and squeezed slowly. 

32. How did Red suffer at the hands of the narrator ? 
Answer. Crying loudly in pain, Red rolled on the ground. His fingers suffered injuries. The narrator made him sob and rub the tears over his small-pox-marked face with his dirty fist. 

33. What lesson did the narrator learn during his encounter with a bully like Red ? Answer. During his encounter with a bully like Red, the narrator learnt that one needn't be afraid of the strong. Besides, it is imperative for all to know the technique of vanquishing them. 

34. What career did the narrator prepare himself for ? 
Answer. The narrator prepared himself for becoming a poet. Besides writing poems, he should defend their themes at any cost. 

35. Which of these do you think is true: courage means not having fear at all or courage means conquering fear ? Justify your choice. 
Answer. I think courage means conquering fear. The narrator's strong determination to defeat Red, the ruler of the street, bore a fruitful result and Red was defeated by him. This is a glittering example on point.

Standing Up For Yourself Story MCQ Question Answer

1. The author Yevgeny Yevtushenko belongs to _______ country.

(A) England 

(B) America 

(C) Russia 

(D) Germany 

Answer is (C) Russia

2. The author Yevgeny Yevtushenko is _______

(A) a poet 

(B) a novelist 

(C) a dramatist 

(D) all of the above 

Answer is (D) all of the above

3. In the Warm up there is a reference about a child who has _______

(A) given all comforts by parents 

(B) deserted by parents 

(C) looked after by a destitute center 

(D) none of the above 

Answer is (B) deserted by parents

4. In the Warm up activity there is a movie is mentioned. The movie is ________

(A) The Wizard Millionaire 

(B) The Millionaire of London 

(C) Slumdog Millionaire 

(D) The Mumbai Crorepati

Answer is (C) Slumdog millionaire

5. Who is Danny Boyle ? 

(A) film producer

(B) film director 

(C) film actor

(D) none of these 

Answer is (B) film director

6. Who is Loveleen Tandan ? 

(A) A co- director of film

(B) Director of film

(C) Film producer

(D) Film actor

Answer is (A) A co- director of film

7. The film in the warm up activity is an adaptation of a novel. What is that novel?

(A) The Novel A and Q Generation

(B) The Novel of the Young

(C) The Fall of paradise

(D) The Novel Q and A

Answer is (D) The Novel Q and A

8. The adaptation of the novel is done by an Indian author and diplomat. Who is he?

(A) Vikash Swarup

(B) Akas Swarup

(C) Nancy Swarup

(D) Loveleen Tandan

Answer is (A) Vikash Swarup

9. The story standing up for yourself, in the text is about_____

(A) A French child

(B) An Indian child

(C) A Russian child

(D) A Chinese child

Answer is (C) A Russian child

10. The child in the story standing up for yourself is _____

(A) A young film actor

(B) The author himself

(C) An English writer

(D) A story teller

Answer is (B) The author himself

(11) Where did the boy live?

(A) In a bungalow in Moscow

(B) In a slum in London

(C) In an empty flat in Moscow

(D) In a modest house in Paris

Answer is (C) In an empty flat in Moscow

(12) What had happened to author's parents?

(A) They were divorced.

(B) They were living together

(C) They were always quarreling.

(D) They were dead.

Answer is (A) They were divorced.

13. Where did the boy’s father live with his new wife according to the story?

(A) In Delhi

(B) In Baluchistan

(C) In Moscow

(D) In Kazakhstan

Answer is (D) In Kazakhstan

14. The word “troop” means _____

(A) herd

(B) dance party

(C) army

(D) group

Answer is (C) army

15. How did the child of the story standing up for yourself receive letters from his father ?

(A) often

(B) seldom

(C) every month

(D) none of these

Answer is (B) seldom

16. What was the mother of the author of the story standing up for yourself ?

(A) an anthropologist

(B) a geologist

(C) a historian

(D) a professor

Answer is   (B) a geologist

17. Why did the child’s mother give up her work as a geologist ?

(A) to become an actress

(B) to became a dancer

(C) to become a singer

(D) to become a politician

Answer is (C) to become a singer

18. What was the child’s mother doing after leaving her work as a geologist ?

(A) working as a film director

(B) giving guidance to the youth for social work

(C) giving concerts for the troop as a singer

(D) giving training to the dancers

Answer is (C) giving concerts for the troop as a singer

19. What is the meaning of the word “front” in this story standing up for yourself ?

(A) in front of a place or street

(B) the border of a state

(C) a place where two armies are fighting in a war

(D) all of the above

Answer is (C) a place where two armies are fighting in a war

20. What is meaning of the word “concert” in the story standing up for yourself ?

(A) musical entertainment

(B) confrontation

(C) cooperation

(D) mutual effort

Answer is (A) musical entertainment

21. The author’s parents were divorced when the author was a _____

(A) a boy

(B) a young man

(C) a middle aged man

(D) quite grown up

Answer is (A) a boy

22. The narrator bought ______ textbook on material art.

(A)  on fu-fitsu

(B)  on ju-jitsu

(C)  on lu-litsu

(D)  gu-bitsu

Answer is (B) on ju-jitsu

23. What did the author want to do at whatever cost ?

(A)  to conquer

(B)  to win

(C)  cleverness

(D)  wise

Answer is (C) cleverness

24. The child’s fate pushed him to live a life ______

(A) in the street

(B) in luxury

(C) in danger

(D) none of these

Answer is (A) in the street

25. To swear smoke and spit were the child’s ____

(A) vice

(B) virtue

(C) good habits

(D) none of these

Answer is (A) vice

26. What is the mean by the word; elegantly?

(A) showing bad sense of style

(B) showing good sense of style

(C) attack somebody with style

(D) it is  a style of dance

Answer is (B) showing good sense of style

27. Which habit the boy has kept to this day ?

(A) smoking

(B) spit elegantly through his teeth

(C) Keeping his fists at the ready

(D) all of these

Answer is (C) Keeping his fists at the ready

28. The another habit the boy had kept was ______

 (A) fearful

(B) fearlessness

(C) cowardice

(D) none of these

Answer is (B) fearlessness

29. What kind of fear the boy had to overcome ?

(A) fear of those who were stronger

(B) fear of losing friendship

(C) fear of being robbed

(D) none of these

Answer is (A) fear of those who were stronger

30. What was the experience of the narrator in his childhood ?

(A) unhappy

(B) happy

(C) feeling of danger

(D) none of these

Answer is (A) unhappy

31. What in your opinion was the best lesson that the street taught to the narrator as a boy?

(A) spit elegantly

(B) to keep his fists at the ready

(C) not to be afraid of anything or anyone

(D) none of these

Answer is (C) not to be afraid of anything or anyone

32. The narrator was scared of someone in his childhood .Who was he ?

(A) a boy nicknamed Robin

(B) a man who was a murderer

(C) a boy nicknamed Red

(D) a friend of him who was a terror

Answer is (C) a boy nicknamed Red

33. How old was Red ?

(A) twenty years

(B) sixteen years

(C) eighteen years

(D) nineteen years

Answer is (B) sixteen years

34. ______was called the ruler of that street where the author lives as a boy.

(A) the child

(B) the author

(C) a boy named Red

(D) none of these

Answer is (C) a boy named Red

35. Red look liked _______ .      

(A) big and broad-shouldered

(B) short and fatty

(C) tall and slim

(D) all of these

Answer is (A) big and broad-shouldered

36. What is the meaning of the word masterfully ?

(A) to behave like a master

(B) to do the mastermind work

(C) not caring for others

(D) none of  these

Answer is (C) not caring for others

37. What is the meaning of the word gait ?

(A) manner of standing

(B) manner of sitting

(C) manner of talking

(D) manner of walking

Answer is (D) manner of walking

38. The expression “Like a seaman on his deck refers to” _______

(A) the author

(B) a seaman of the past

(C) the boy Red

(D) none of these

Answer is (C) the boy Red

39. What is the meaning of the word “peak” in this story standing up for yourself?

(A)  the highest point

(B)  lock of hair growing  just above  the forehead

(C)  the top of a mountain

(D) all of these

Answer is (B) lock of hair growing just above the forehead

40. What is the meaning of the word cascade ?

(A)  vast grassland

(B) waterfall

(C) a green belt

(D) the surface of the body of water

Answer is (B) waterfall

41. How was the face of Red described in this story standing up for yourself ?

(A)  red flat face

(B)  round pock-marked face

(C)  black round  pock-marked face

(D)  none of these

Answer is (B) round pock-marked face

42. The green eyes of Red were compared with like that of a _____

 (A) monkey

(B)  tiger

(C)  cat

(D) deer

Answer is (C) cat

43. _______ is the synonym of the word scorn ?

(A) angry

(B)  contempt

(C)  remark

(D)  conserve

Answer is (B) contempt

44. Who referred the word Lieutenants in this story standing up for yourself ? 

(A)  assistants of Red

(B)  friends of Red

(C)  supporters of Red

(D)  none of these

Answer is (C) supporters of Red

45. Red demanding ______from the boys stopping them on the road.

(A)  to obey him

(B)  money

(C)  to steal  for him

(D)  to rob people on the way

Answer is (B) money

46. What did Red’s lieutenants do if somebody resisted ?

(A)  beat him up hard

(B)  keep him confined in a place

(C)  leave him to go silently

(D)  none of these

Answer is (A) beat him up hard

47. Red always carried _______ in his pocket.

(A)  a knife

(B)  a rifle

(C)  a knuckle-duster

(D)  a blade

Answer is (C) a knuckle-duster

48. Red carried a heavy metal duster for _______

(A)  to attack

(B)  for defence

(C)  both for attack and defence

(D)  none of these

Answer is (C) both for attack and defence

49. The narrator wants to conquer _____

 (A)  to attack

(B)  fear of ghost

(C)  fear of himself

(D) fear of Red

Answer is (D) fear of Red

50. The narrator _______ to win over his fear of Red.

(A)  wrote a poem about him

(B)  prayed God to give the strength

(C)  decided to avoid him

(D)  none of these

Answer is (A) wrote a poem about him

51. The poem that the narrator wrote in the form of _____.

(A)  poem

(B)  verse

(C)  dialogue

(D) dialect

Answer is (B) verse

52. ________was the first piece of journalism of the narrator in verse .

 (A)  the first poem of the author             

(B)  the first article of the author

(C)  the first short story of the author

(D)  none of these

Answer is (A) the first poem of the author 

53. _________method of wrestling is an advantage to the weak over the strong.

(A)  Chinese method of wrestling

(B)  Japanese method of wrestling

(C)  German method of wrestling

(D)  French method of wrestling 

Answer is (B)  Japanese method of wrestling

54. _______ game Red was playing sitting in the lawn when the narrator went out to meet him.

(A)  chess

(B)   vingt-et-un

(C)  lengt-ut-sn

(D)  oxat-ut-bun

Answer is (B) vingt-et-un

55. What was the author’s first remuneration as a poet ?

(A)  a word of admiration by the people

(B)  struck on his head with a knuckle-duster

(C) streaming with blood and lost consciousness

(D)  none of above

Answer is (B) struck on his head with a knuckle-duster

56. Avoiding to meet Red in the second the author considers this act on his parties ?

(A) bravery

(B)  cowardice

(C)  cleverness

(D)  wise

Answer is (B) cowardice

57. ______ was smiling crookedly at the narrator.

(A)  people in the street

(B) Red

(C)  Red’s lieutenants

(D) none of the above

Answer is (B) Red

58. _______ told this to _______. “So you write verses. Do they rhyme ?“

(A) Red to his lieutenants

(B)  Red to the people in the street

(C)  Red to narrator

(D) none of the above

Answer is (C) Red to narrator

59. ________ is  the meaning of the word darted.

(A) moved slowly

(B)  moved suddenly

(C)  moved secretly

(D)  moved upward

Answer is (B) moved suddenly

60. Knuckle-duster is a _______.

(A)  lt is an iron knife.

(B)  lt is an iron hammer.

(C)  A metal covering for the knuckles for attack or defence.

(D)  An axe type weapon.

Answer is (C) A metal covering for the knuckles for attack or defence.

61. What do you mean by the statement “the whole street knew it by heart” ?

(A)  it was distributed to people of street

(B)  The poem was popular among the people of the street.

(C)  The street people sang the poem standing together.

(D)  all of these

Answer is (B) The poem was popular among the people of the street.

62. What is the meaning of the word exulted ?

(A)  showed displeasure and unhappiness

(B)  showed physical and mental strength

(C)  showed great joy and excitement

(D)  showed bad temperament and  excitement

Answer is (C) showed great joy and excitement

63. What is the meaning of the word triumphant ?

(A)  feeling of victory with satisfaction

(B)  feeling of victory with anger

(C)  showing bad manner by winning something

(D)  all of these

Answer is (A) feeling of victory with satisfaction

64. What is the meaning for the word phrase triumphant hatred ?

(A)  feeling of victory over something or somebody you dislike

(B)  feeling very bad after the victory

(C)  showing bad manner after winning a match

(D) all of these

Answer is (A) feeling of victory over something or somebody you dislike

65.  At _______ time the narrator one day met Red and his lieutenants.

(A)  in the evening

(B)  at night

(C)  in the afternoon

(D)  in the morning

Answer is (D) in the morning

66. The meaning of the phrase bore through is _____

(A)  to look at somebody aggressively

(B)  to threaten someone to kill

(C)  to stare in a way that makes somebody feel uncomfortable

(D)  all of the above

Answer is (C) to stare in a way that makes somebody feel uncomfortable

67. The meaning of the word drawl is ________.

(A)  to say something  speedily and angrily

(B)  to say  something speedily   with longer vowel sounds

(C)  to say something speedily  with longer consonant sounds

(D)  none of the above

Answer is (B) to say something speedily   with longer vowel sounds

68. The meaning of the phrasal words impotent fury is _______.

(A)  fruitful anger

(B)  futile anger

(C)  fruitful with no anger

(D)  none of these                 

Answer is (B) futile anger

69. The meaning of the word vanquish is _______

(A)  defeat completely

(B)  win completely

(C)  break somebody s power

(D) all of these

Answer is (A) defeat completely

70. The story "Standing Up For Yourself" is a / an _________.

(A) biography

(B) autobiography 

(C) story

(D) essay

Answer is (B) autobiography

standing up for yourself story notes pdf standing up for yourself story standing up for yourself class 11 standing up for yourself question answer  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for published you mcq question. It is help me for my exam. Thank you so much. 🙏🙏
