Monday, November 22, 2021

The Inchcape Rock Poem English MCQ Question Answer And Summary pdf Plus 2 First Year CHSE

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The Inchcape Rock Poem English Question Answer And Summary Pdf Plus 2 First Year CHSE

Robert Southey
About the Poet Robert Southey
 Robert Southey was born on 12 August 1774 and died on 21 March 1843. He was an English Romantic poet and Poet Laureate from 1813 to his death in 1843. He is a prolific letter writer, literary scholar, essay writer, historian and biographer.

About the Poem The Inchcape Rock
 "The Inchcape Rock" is such a story in which Sir Ralph, the wicked villain has been doomed because of his own villain, misdemeanor. He cut the Inchcape Bell off the Inchcape Flout and destroyed it to pledge the reputation of Abbot of Aberbrothok. But his own ship collided with Inchcape Rock and he died there repenting much for his devilish action.

The Inchcape Rock Poem Text

Unit I

The Text

No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,

The ship was still as she could be,

Her sails from heaven received no motion, 

Her keel was steady in the ocean.


Without either sign or sound of their shock 

The waves flowed over the Inchcape Rock;

So little they rose, so little they fell,

They did not move the Inchcape Bell.


The Abbot of Aberbrothok

Had placed that bell on the Inchcape Rock;

On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung,

And over the waves its warning rung.


When the Rock was hid by the surge's swell,

The mariners heard the warning bell;

And then they knew the perilous Rock, 

And blessed the Abbot of Aberbrothok.


Unit II

The Text

The sun in heaven was shining gay,

All things were joyful on that day;

The sea-birds screamed as they wheeled round

And there was joyance in their sound,


The buoy of the Inchcape Bell was seen

A darker speck on the ocean green;

Sir Ralph the Rover walked his deck,

And he fixed his eye on the darker speck.


He felt the cheering power of spring;

It made him whistle, it made him sing;

His heart was mirthfül to excess.

But the Rover's mirth was wickedness.


His eye was on the Inchcape float;

Quoth he, 'My men, put out the boat,

And row me to the Inchcape Rock,

And I'll plague the Abbot of Aberbrothok'


The boat is lowered, the boatmen row,

And to the Inchcape Rock they go;

Sir Ralph bent over from the boat,

And he cut the Bell from the Inchcape float.


Down sunk the Bell with a gurgling sound; 

The bubbles rose and burst around;

Quoth Sir Ralph, 'The next who comes to the Rock

Won't bless the Abbot of Aberbrothok.


Unit III

The Text

Sir Ralph the Rover sailed away,

He scoured the seas for many a day;

And now grown rich with plundered store 

He steers his course for Scotland's shore.


So thick a haze o'erspreads the sky

They cannot see the sun on high;

The wind hath blown gale all day,

At evening it hath died away


On the deck the Rover takes his stand.

So dark it is they see no land.

Quoth Sir Ralph, 'It will be lighter soon,

For there is the dawn of the rising moon.


'Canst hear', said one 'the breakers roar? 

For methinks we should be near the shore' 

Now where we are I cannot tell,

But I wish I could hear the Inchape Bell'.


They hear no sound; the swell is strong; 

Though the wind hath fallen they drift along,

Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock 

'Oh Christl it is the Inchcape Rock'.

Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair,

He cursed himself in his despair;

The waves rush in on every side;

The ship is sinking beneath the tide.


But even in his dying fear

One dreadful sound could the Rover hear, 

A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell

The Devil below was ringing his knell.

Summary of the Poem The Inchcape Rock:
The Inchcape Rock is a perilous reef off the east coast of Scotland near the mouth of the river Tay The rock was a few inches above the surface of the sea in low tide and was completely covered by the se in high tide or when the sea was rough. Many ships had been wrecked by this Inchcape Rock when it was covered by the sea.

 Observing the danger mentioned above, Abbot of Abberbrothok placed a bell on the Rock by the help of a float. The bell, dancing in the waves, produced a sweet soft warning sound and the ships avoided their course, The mariners thanked the Abbot for his unique arrangement.

 Oneday Sir Ralph the Rover was passing by the Inchcape Rock in his ship. He saw the float, the bell and heard from the mariners about Abbot's praise. He felt jealous and wanted to plague the good name of the Abbot. He ordered the mariners to take his boat near the bell and then he cup the bell off the float. It sank down. 

Sir Ralph went away in the sea, plundered the stores of rich merchants, ships and became rich. He prepared his return journey to Scotland. The ship came closer to Inchcape Rock. It was a dark night. Nothing was visible. The mariners heard the breakers roar. They thought the shore was near, because they could not hear the sound of the Inchcape bell. 

The ship collided with the Rock and wrecked. Sir Ralph met his unhappy end. But before death, he repented and gave the message to the world that jealousy and wickedness never end in happiness.

Outlines of the Poem The Inchcape Rock

(1) Inchcape Rock is a perilous reef off the coast of Scotland near the mouth of the river Tay. 
(2) The Rock was a few inches above the surface of the sea in low tide. 
(3) In high tide, the rock remains underwater. 
(4) The ships collide with the rock and get wrecked.
(5)The Abbot of Abberbrothok placed a bell on the rock. 
(6)He arranged a float on which the bell was placed. 
(7) The bell swinging in the tide produced a warning sound. 
(8)The mariners got alerted and changed course.
(9) They thanked the Abbot for his device. 
(10) One day Sir Ralph the Rover came by the Rock. 
(11) He saw the bell on the float. 
(12) The mariners told about the bell and the Abbot. 
(13) Sir Ralph was wicked, jealous. 
(14) He envied the glory of the Abbot. 
(15) He ordered his mariners to sail his boat to the bell. 
(16) He cut the string of the bell. 
(17) It drowned in the sea. 
(18) Sir Ralph sailed away deep into the sea. 
(19) He plundered shins and got a lot of money 
(20) He made arrangement for return journey. 
(21) The sky grew darker. 
(22) Nothing was visible. 
(23) The ship reached near the Rock. 
(24) The mariners could not hear the bell. 
(25) They heard the sound of breakers roar. (26) They thought the shore was near. 
(27) The ship collided with the Rock and Wrecked. 
(28) Sir Ralph began sinking. 
(29) He repented for his action. 
(30) The man who digs hole for others, falls in the same hole sooner or later.

Question Answer of the Poem The Inchcape Rock

The Inchcape Rock Poem Short Question Answer

1.How does the poet describe Inchcape Rock ?

Answer. The poet describes that the Inchcape Rock was a few inches high above the surface of the sea in low tide and was completely covered by the sea in high tide or when the sea was rough.

2. Was the Inchcape Rock dangerous ? Give your reasons ?

Answer. The Inchcape Rock was quite dangerous, because during sunny days the huge stone could be easily noticed, but it was completely covered by the sea in a high tide or when the sea swelled. As a result, many ships had been wrecked.

3. Why did the Abbot place a bell on the Inchcape Rock ?

Answer. The Abbot placed a bell on the Inchcape Rock to warn the sailors of the presence of this fatal rock nearby.

4. When did the Inchcape bell ring ?

Answer. The Inchcape bell rang during a storm or when the sea swelled.

5. Why did mariners bless the Abbot ?

 Answer. Mariners blessed the Abbot because he saved many imminent ship-wrecks during the storm by placing a bell on the perilous Inchcape Rock. In other words, humanitarian deeds gave them strength where nature was inhospitable.

6. How does the poet express 'the cheering power of spring' ?

Answer. The poet expresses the cheering power of spring in terms of bright sun, screaming birds and joy in their sounds merriment was in the air.

7. How did Ralph come across the Inchcape Bell ?

Answer. Ralph came across the Inchcape Bell by walking his deck and focusing his attention on it when spring set in and it surfaced on the calm sea.

8. What was the effect of 'the cheering power of spring' on Ralph ?

Answer. The cheering power of spring made Ralph whistle and sing, and filled his heart with great delight.

9. What kind of a person was Ralph ? Which line tells you so ?

Answer. Ralph was a wicked person to the backbone. The line His heart was mirthful to excess' tells us so.

10. What act of wickedness did he do ?

Answer. He committed a wicked deed by cutting the bell that the Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed on the dangerous Inchcape Rock.

11. Why did he do the wicked act ?

Answer. He did the wicked act because the sailors would not bless the Abbot of Aberbrothok.

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12. How did Ralph become rich ?

Answer. Ralph became rich by plundering the ships that met with wrecks.

13. Why did the ship lose its way in the sea while it was heading towards Scotland?

Answer. The ship lost its way in the sea while it was heading towards Scotland because of a dense fog and a strong gale. Besides, it was nearing night time.

14. Why did a mariner think that they were near the shore ?

Answer. A mariner thought that they were near the shore.

15. "Oh Christ ! it is the Inchcape Rock' - why did the mariners exclaim so ?

Answer. The mariners exclaimed in their stale hopelessness. To their stunned disbelief, they feel the presence of the dangerous Inchcape Rock and consequently think of their imminent death. In Christ, they see their saviour.

16. Why did Sir Ralph curse himself ?

 Answer. Sir Ralph cursed himself, because he realized that his notorious act of cutting the bell to tarnish the image of the Abbot of Aberbrothok paved the way for the sinking of his own ship in the roaring waves of the sea

17. The Devil below was ringing his knell.' - what does this expression mean ?

Answer. The expression 'The devil below was his nail' means the death of the notorious Ralph the Rover. Even as he was dying he could hear one fearful sound as if it was the warning sound of the Inchcape bell. It was as if the devil was ringing the sound of its disaster.

18. Do you find this poem musical ? The rhyme scheme of the first stanza is AABB (sea-A, be-A, motion-B, ocean-B). Is the rhyme scheme the same for all the stanzas?

Answer. We find this poem completely musical. The poet's profuse use of alliteration - "S' sea/ship/still and so on justifies this fact. The rhyme scheme is the same for all the stanzas.

The Inchcape Rock Poem MCQ Question Answer

1. What does the word ‘plague’ mean   ?

(a) cause pleasure

(b) cause success   

(c) cause accident

(d) cause pain

Answer is (d) cause pain

2. Sir Ralph was a ________

(a) ranger

(b) rover

(c) counsellor

(d) doctor

Answer is (b) rover

3. What did he do moving in the sea ?

(a) visiting different places

(b) discovering the things in the sea

(c) plundering the ships for wealth

(d) none of the above

Answer is (c) plundering the ships for wealth

4. What did Ralph do at last ?

(a) enjoyed this days in the sea

(b) returned to Scotland’s shore

(c) crossed Inchcape safely

(d) fulfilled his mission

Answer is (b) returned to Scotland’s shore

5. How was the weather when sir Ralph’s ship was near the Scotland’s  shore ?

(a) dark,  foggy  and  stormy

(b) bright,  clear  and  fine

(c) cloudy,  smoky  and semi-darkness

(d) none of the above

Answer is (a) dark,  foggy  and  stormy

6. But standing on the deck of ship , Sir Ralph was hopeful of a clear day with the rising of ________

(a) sun

(b) stars

(c) moon

(d) a bright celestial object

Answer is (c) moon

7. Why was the land not visible to the mariners of the sir Ralph’s ship ?

(a) because of the darkness

(b) because they were far from the shore

(c) because mariner’s had no microscope

(d) all of the above

Answer is (a) because of the darkness

8. But one of the mariners could hear the ________

(a) wreck of a ship

(b) thunder on a ship

(c) Inchcape Bell

(d) sound of the sea animal

Answer is (c) Inchcape Bell

9. At last the ship lost its way and got wrecked hitting against _________

(a) the other ship

(b) the Inchcape Rock

(c) a huge sea animal

(d) none of the above

Answer is (b) the Inchcape Rock

10. What did sir Ralph in despair ?

(a) pray God

(b) scolded his mariners

(c) a huge sea animal

(d) none of the above

Answer is (b) scolded his mariners

11. While dying in fear, sir Ralph could hear a sound similar to ________

(a) band party drum

(b) thunder

(c) sweet music

(d) Inchcape Bell

Answer is (d) Inchcape Bell

12. Who was in fact ringing this bell ?

(a) Abbot

(b) the devil

(c) Inchcape Bell

(d) mariners

Answer is (b) the devil

13. What does the last line of the poem signify ?

(a) death of sir Ralph

(b) end of his journey

(c) a lesson taught to him

(d) Both (a) and (c) 

Answer is (a) death of sir Ralph

14. Who is author of the poem  “ Inchcape Bell”   ?

(a) Robert Frost 

(b) Robert Smith

(c) Robert  Stewart

(d) Robert Southey

Answer is (d) Robert Southey

15. What did Sir Ralph do to blame Abbot ?

(a) Stopped to bell ringing

(b) Cut the bell form the buoy

(c) Criticised Abbot in public

(d) Proved abbot ‘s method was wrong

Answer is (b) Cut the bell form the buoy

16. What did Sir Ralph say after cutting the bell form the Inchcape Rock ?

(a) everybody would praise him

(b) he would fix a new ball

(c) the next who comes to the Rock won’ t bless the Abbot

(d) none of the above

Answer is (c) the next who comes to the Rock won’ t bless the Abbot

17. What is the ‘Inchcape Rock’ ?

(a) the name of a rock on the east coast of Scotland near the mouth of the river Tay

(b) the name of a ship which could cross all obstacles

(c) the name of sea animal which is very dangerous

(d) none of the above

Answer is (a) the name of a rock on the east coast of Scotland near the mouth of the river Tay

18 The first four lines present a similar picture of the air, sea, ship, sails and ocean What is that ?

(a) stormy

(b) stillness

 (c) sometimes stormy and sometimes clams

(d) none of the above Answer is

Answer is (b) stillness

19. What do you mean by the word ‘keel’?

(a) old form the word hill

(b) bottom of the sea

(c) bottom part of the ship

(d) top of the rocks

Answer is (c) bottom part of the ship

20. What did happen to the Inchcape Rock when there was low tide ?

(a)  fully visible

(b) only its top was visible

(c) not visible

(d) none of the above

Answer is (b) only its top was visible

21. What did happen to the Inchcape Rock when there was high tide ?

(a) completely covered by the sea water

(b) only its top was visible

(c) The rock moves away to one side of the sea

(d) the rock floats on the sea like a ship

Answer is (a) completely covered by the sea water

22. What did happen to ship those who could not see the Inchcape Rock ?

(a) they could not move

(b) they returned away

(c) they got wrecked

(d) they passed away by the other direction

Answer is (c) they got wrecked

23. What did abbot do to save the ship form wreckage?

(a) He fixed a red on the Rock

(b) He fixed a bell which rang in a normal situation on the sea

(c) He fixed a huge magnet to check the movement of the sea

(d) None of the above

Answer is (b) He fixed a bell which rang in a normal situation on the sea

24. When did the Inchcape bell ring ?

(a) during the visit of a ship

(b) during the low tide in the sea

(c) during a storm or when the sea swelled

(d) during the attack of sea pirates

Answer is (c) during a storm or when the sea swelled

25. The ‘bell’ floated and swung on a______.

(a) log

(b) pole

(c) pillar


Answer is (d)buoy

26. The ‘bell ‘worked as a_______ to the ship.

(a) information

(b) warning

(c) signal

(d) sailing

Answer is (b) warning

27. What do you mean by the word ‘buoy’ ?

(a) a flying object

(b) a sinking object

(c) a floating object

(d) a moving object

Answer is (c) a floating object

28. What do you mean by the words ‘surge’s swell ?

(a) rise of the ship on the rock

(b) rise of the tidal waves

(c) rise of the rock on the sea

(d) rise of the sea water on the banks

Answer is (b) rise of the tidal waves

29. How the Inchcape Rock was hidden ?

(a) by the low tide

(b) by the darkness

(c) by the clouds

(d) by the high tide

Answer is (d) by the high tide

30. Who did hear the warning bell ?

(a) the sea pirates

(b)the visitors

(c) the mariners

(d) the ship owners

Answer is (c) the mariners

31.What do you mean by the word ‘mariners’ ?

(a) the engineers

(b) the pirates

(c) the sailors

(d) the passengers

Answer is (c) the sailors

32. How was the rock as described by the poet ?

(a) pleasures

(b) disadvantageous

(c) advantageous

(d) perilous

Answer is (d) perilous

33. Who did bless Abbot?

(a) the visitors

(b) the mariners

(c) the ship owners

(d) none of the above

Answer is (b) the mariners

34. ‘Aberbrothok’ is associated with_______.

(a) the mariners

(b) the Inchcape Rock

(c) the ship

 (d) Abbot

Answer is (d) Abbot

35. The description of the sun in the line 17 of the poem signifies :

(a) scorching sun

(b) setting sun

(c) rising sun

(d) pleasant bright sun

Answer is (d) pleasant bright sun

36. What does the screaming sound of the sea birds signify ?

(a) melancholy

(b) joyance

(c) a sight of horror

(d) a bad day

Answer is (b) joyance

37. How was the buoy of the Inchcape Bell seen on the sea ?

(a) a brighter spot

(b) a green speck

(c) a darker speck

(d) a white speck

Answer is (c) a darker speck

38. Whose eye was fixed on the darker speck  ?

(a)  the poet’s

(b) the mariner’s

(c) sir Ralph’s

(d) pirate’s

Answer is (c) sir Ralph’s

39. What do you mean by the word ‘speck’ ?

(a) a very big spot

(b) a very small spot

(c) a bright spot

(d) an visible spot

Answer is (b) a very small spot

40 What, according to the poet, the bright sun, screaming of the birds and their joyance do signify ?

(a) terrible summer

(b) cheerful spring

(c) the memory

(d) unpleasant day

Answer is (b) cheerful spring

41. Who was mirthful by the cheerful spring ?

(a) the poet

(b) the mariner

(c) Sir Ralph

(d) the visitor

Answer is (c) Sir Ralph

42. What was the secrecy of Sir Ralph’s mirth ?

(a) success

(b) cheerful spring

(c) wickedness

(d) achievement

Answer is (c) wickedness

43. What did Sir Ralph want to do ?

(a) to praise Abbot

(b) to blame Abbot

(c) to destroy Inchcape Rock

(d) to earn a good name

Answer is (b) to blame Abbot

the inchcape rock poem mcq question answer the inchcape rock poem short question answer pdf the inchcape rock poem 12th class poem the inchcape rock mcq question answer the inchcape rock short question answer plus 2 english poem the inchcape rock mcq question answer