Thursday, November 11, 2021

Fundamental of Education MCQ Question Answer 12th Class Education

Fundamental of Education MCQ Question Answer 12th Class Education Plus 2 1st year education MCQ question answer plus two first year education MCQ question answer pdf fundamental of Education MCQ Question Answer PDF chse Odisha plus 2 education MCQ question answer pdf education MCQ question answer

Fundamental of Education MCQ Question Answer 12th Class Education
GROUP - A Objective Type Compulsory Multiple choice : 
1. Which language word is 'education'? 
(a) Greek 
(b) Latin 
(c) Germany 
(d) English 
Ans. (b) Latin 

2. Education is the integration of mind, body and spirit - Who told this ? 
(a) Napoleon 
(b) Mahatma Gandhi 
(c) Gopabandhu 
(d) Tagore 
Ans. (b) Mahatma Gandhi 

3. Which Latin word means to "drawout"? 
(a) Educere 
(b) Educare 
(c) Educatum 
(d) Educo 
Ans. (a) Educere 

4. To whom 'Education is the realization of soul'? 
(a) Upanishad 
(b) Shankaracharya 
(c) Kautilya 
(d) Aurobindo 
Ans. (b) Shankaracharya 

5. What is the meaning of Vid' ?  
(a) To know 
(b) To understand 
(c) To realise 
(d) To say 
Ans. (a) To know 

6. Meaning of Education? 
(a) Training work 
(b) Learning 
(c) To take care 
(d) Nothing 
Ans. (a) Training

7. From which Greek 'word education is derived? 
(a) Pedagogy 
(b) Educare 
(c) Educatum 
(d) Pestalogy 
Ans. (a) Pedagogy 

8. Meaning of Educare? 
(a) To express 
(b) To discipline 
(c) To bring up 
(d) To know 
Ans. (a) To bring up 

9. Meaning of Educare ? 
(a) To bring up 
(b) To express 
(c) To leadout 
(d) To teach 
Ans. (b) To lead out 

10. Who told Education is a bi-polar process? 
(a) John Herbert 
(b) John Dewey 
(c) John Adams 
(d) John Becker 
Ans. (c) John Adams 

11. Education is a bi-polar process? Who are the poles? 
(a) Teacher-lady teacher 
(b) Teaching-school 
(c) Teacher-taught 
(d) Learning-learning situation
Ans. (c) Teacher-taught

12. "Education is the sound mind in the sound body" 
(a) Rabindranath 
(b) Aristotle 
(d) John Dewey 
(c) Gandhi 
Ans. (b) Aristotle 

13. By "Education I mean the all round development of personality with mind, body and spirit"- Whose definition of education is this? 
(a) Gandhi 
(b) Gopabandhu 
(c) Rabindranath 
(d) Sri Aurobindo 
Ans. (a) Gandhi 

14. What is Education to Vivekananda ? 
(a) Innate powers development 
(b) Define perfection 
(c) Mind, body and spirit development 
(d) Manifestation of divine perfection 
Ans. (d) Manifestation of divine perfection. 

15. One important work of education- 
(a) Personality development 
(b) Physical development 
(c) Mental development of the child 
(d) Relation between man and child 
Ans. (a) Personality development 

16. Which is not the nature of education? 
(a) Education is a life long process 
(b) Education is growth 
(c) Education is a person 
(d) Education is a product 
Ans. (c) Education is a person 

17. Education is the preparation of the present and future-
(a) Shankaracharya 
(b) N.P.E 1986 
(c) Kothari Commission 
(d) Revised N.F.I-1992 
Ans. (b) N.P.E 1986 

18. "Education is the process by which the child makes internal-external. Who told this? 
(a) John Dewey 
(b) John Ross 
(c) Aristotle 
(d) Froebel 
Ans. (d) Froebel

19. "Education is the reconstruction of experiences' who told this? 
(a) Gopabandhu 
(b) Herbert 
(c) John Dewey 
(d) Socrates 
Ans. (c) John Dewey 

20. One of the pioneers of Naturalism in India? 
(a) Sri Aurobindo 
(b) Mahatma Gandhi 
(c) Tagore 
(d) Gopabandhu 
Ans. (c) Tagore 

21. The main aim of vocational education? (a) To earn 
(b) To make productive 
(c) Technical training 
(d) Mental development 
Ans. (d) Mental development 

22. To be productive to earn one's living is the main aim of education - who says this? 
(a) Kothari Commission 
(b) N.S.E. 
(c) Radhakrishnan 
(d) Gopabandhu 
Ans. (b) National Society of Education 

23. Who is not the supporter of individual aim of education? 
(a) Herbus 
(b) Rousseau 
(c) Aristotle 
(d) Froebel 
Ans. (c) Aristotle 

24. Who is one of the naturalists? 
(a) Karl Marx 
(b) Ilitler 
(c) Lenin 
(d) Rousseau 
Ans. (d) Rousseau

25. A man is not a man without a society' but a beast. Who told this? 
(a) Rousseau 
(b) Froebel 
(c) Pestalozzi 
(d) Aristotle 
Ans. Aristotle 

26. Which is not an informal agency? 
(a) Correspondence 
(b) Youth association 
(c) Family 
(d) State 
Ans. (a) Correspondence 

27. Which is an informal, passive agency? 
(a) mass media 
(b) school 
(c) family
(d) state 
Ans. (a) mass media 

28: Need of parent-teacher association? 
(a) To solve problems of the society 
(b) To raise teachers salary 
(c) To pay respect to headmaster 
(d) To solve the problem of students 
Ans. (d)To solve the problem of students 

29. Which is not the educational function of the community ? 
(a) Establish of schools 
(b) Utilisation of community resources 
(c) Govt, and school relationship 
(d) To solve the problem of students 
Ans. (d)To solve the problem of students 

30. Which is not the educational function of the community ? 
(a) Establish of schools 
(b) Utilisation of community resources 
(c) Govt, and school relationship 
(d) School-community relationship 
Ans. (c) Govt. and school relationship 

31. What is the meaning of the Greek word "Skhole'? 
(a) Leisure 
(b) School
(c) Educational institution 
(d) Primary education 
Ans. (a) Leisure

32. Which is an informal centre of learning? 
(a) Adult education centre 
(b) Open university 
(c) Correspondence 
(d) State 
Ans. (d) State 

33. Which is the active agency of education? 
(a) Family lo 
(b) Religious centre 
(c) Library 
(d) School 
Ans. (d) School 

34. Which is greater than socialism? 
(a) State 
(b) Individual 
(c) Society 
(d) Nobody 
Ans. (c) Society 

35. Which is not the democratic aim of education? 
(a) Respect to individual 
(b) Tolerance 
(c) Character building 
(d) Tendency of National integration 
Ans. (c) Character building 

36. Which is not the passive agency of education? 
(a) Letters 
(b) Radio 
(c) Library 
(d) School 
Ans. (d) School 

37. Which is not the mass media? 
(a) Computer 
(b) Radio 
(c) Television 
(d) Newspaper 
Ans. (a) Computer 

38. Give the types of agency of education? 
(a) Three -types 
(b) Two types 
(c) Four types 
(d) Six types 
Ans. (a) Three types 

             Group - B
One word Answers type questions.

(a) What do we call which has two poles in an educational process? 
Answer. Bipolar process 

(b) The teaching in school and colleges, what we call it? 
Answer. Formal education 

(c) Experience education from birth to death? 
Answer. Life long education 

(d) First educational centre for the child. Answer. Family 

(e) Powerful mass media 
Answer. Television 

(f) Who is responsible for general discipline in the school? 
Ans. Headmaster 

(g) One educational function of the community ? 
Answer. Establishment of educational centres. 

(h) Centre of socialization? 
Answer. Family 

(i) Which Sanskrit word means 'to know'? 
Answer. Vid

(j) There is no active participation of teacher and pupil in which agency? 
Answer. Passive agency 

(k) Direct participation of teacher and pupil? 
Answer. Active agency 

(l) Agency of socialization ? 
Answer. Family 

(m) Parents with one or two children? 
Answer. Family 

3. Answer in single sentences. 

(1) What is the individual aim of education? 
Answer. Taking necessary assistance from society, education aims at self- attainment and perfection in oneself. 

(2) What is the social aim of education attained? 
Answer. If the Individual can be socialised and made as a good citizen then social aim is supposed to be attained. 

(3) What is child-centre education? 
Answer. In child-centred education a child is considered as the centre of the educational process. 

(4) State the aim of child-centred education? 
Answer. Child centre education helps for the personality development of a child. 

(5) What are the methods followed which centred education? 
Answer. Kindergarten system Montessori method, Dalton plan and Project method are followed at the child centred education. 

(6) Who are the supporters of child centred education? 
Answer. R.N. Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, Froebel, John Dewey, Maria Montessori are the supporters of child centred education. 

(7) How can the social aim of education be attained? 
Answer. If the individual can be socialized and made as a good citizen then social aim is supposed to be attained. 

(8) What is Rousseau's view on the individual aim of education? 
Answer. According to Rousseau's naturalistic view, "The central aim of education is the autonomous development of the individual. 

(9) Define the knowledge aim of education? 
Answer. Knowledge aim of education emphasizes an acquisition of knowledge. 

(10) What is cultural aim of education? Answer. Cultural aim of education enables the individuals to maintain a better way in how to walk, how to dress, how to speak, and how to behave with others. 

(11) What are the types of education? 
Answer. Education is of three types viz. Formal informal and non formal. 

(12), What is informal education? 
Answer. Informal education is spontaneous process of education which is performed in home and social environment. 

(13) What is formal education? 
Answer. Formal education is a planned system of education which is particularised by time, institution and curriculum. 

(14) What do you mean by non formal education? 
Answer. Non Formal education is an open system of education making the features of formal education as rules and regulations and mode of instructions 

(15) Give some examples of mass-media? Answer. Radio, television, cinema are some examples of mass media. 

(16) Give one example of informal education? 
Answer. The school is one important formal agency of education.

(17) Mention the names of certain formal agencies of education? 
Answer. The school, the church, the state, organised recreational centres, museums, and libraries are called the formal agencies. 

(18) What does an active agency of education mean? 
Answer. In an active agency; the child becomes active and influences the working of the agency. 

(19) Give an example of an active agency of education? 
Answer. School is an active agency of education. 

(20) Give an example of a passive agency of education? 
Answer. Radio is an example of a passive agency of education. 

(21) Define a small family? 
Answer. A small family consists of a mother, father and one or two children. 

(22) Which is the first agency of socialization?
Answer. Home or family is the first agency of socialization. 

(23) Give one definition of education? 
Answer. To R.N. Tagore, "Education helps in the solution of all our problems. 

(24) Give the narrow meanings of education? 
Answer. Schooling is the narrow meaning of education. 

(25) Give the wider meaning of education? Answer. The wider meaning of education is a life long process, learning from the environment, not limited. 

(26) Give one derivative of education? Answer. Education is derived from the Latin word Educare which means 'to bring up'. 

(27) 'It is the process by which the, child makes internal external' Who told so ? Answer. Froebel gave the definition that."It is the process by which child makes internal- external. 

(28) Who told education is a Bipolar process? 
Answer. John Adams told that education is a Bi- polar process. 

(29) What is Tripolar process of education? 
Answer. To John Dewey, education is a tripolar process in which teacher learner and social environment are the tripolar process. 

(30) Who told education as tripolar process? 
Answer. John Dewey called education as a tripolar process. 

(31) What is education to Aristotle? 
Answer. To Aristotle, "Education is sound mind in sound body". 

(32) What is the new policy of education? Answer. According to NPE-1986, Education aimed at productivity and self supporting, the 

(33) Who told, "Education reconstruction of experience" ? 
Answer. To John Dewey, "Education is the reconstruction of experience". 

(34) What is the meaning of educatum ? Answer. Educatum means 'to train' or 'to teach'. 

(35) Give one nature of education.
Answer. Education is the reconstruction of experience.

(36) Write one passive agency of education. 
Answer. Television is one of the passive agencies of education. 

(37) Give an example of an active agency of education. 
Answer. School is the active agency of education. 

(38) Give the role of state for education. Answer. Opening of new educational centres and quality education is the role of the state. 

(39) Which is the first learning centre for the child? 
Answer. Home or family is the first learning centre for the child. 

(40) What type of agency radio is ? 
Answer. Radio is the passive informal agency of education. 

(41) Give an example of mass media. 
Answer. Radio, newspaper, television, and video are examples of mass media. 

(42) Give the educational function of the state. 
Answer. Preparation of syllabus, curriculum control of examinations and maintaining discipline are the educational functions C of the state. 

(43) Give the best agency for socialization. Answer. Home or family is the most socializing agency of education. 

(44) What type of agency home is ?  
Answer. Home is the active informal agency of education.

Q.4. Correct the errors in the sentences. 
1. School word derived from Latin word skhole 
Answer. School word derived from Greek word Skhole. 

2. Education starts from 5 years. 
Answer: Education starts from birth. 

3. Gopabandhu was a western philosopher Answer. Gopabandhu was an eastern philosopher. 

4. The education provided at home is narrow.
Answer. The education provided at home is wider; 

5. The educational function of school is to train. 
Answer. The educational function of school is the harmonious development. 

6. Television and cinema are audio aids. Ans. Television and cinema are audio-visual aids. 

7. Informal agencies are schools and colleges. 
Answer. Formal. agencies are schools and colleges. 

8. According to Aurobindo education is the integration of mind, body and spirit. 
Answer. According to Gandhi , education is the integration of mind, body and spirit. 9. Aristotle was eastern philosopher. 
Answer. Aristotle was an eastern philosopher. 

Q.5 Fill in the blanks: 
1. In the bipolar process two poles are ____ and____
Answer. In the bipolar process the two poles are teacher and student.

2. Education ends in ____.
Answer. Education ends in death. 

3. Education is a ____ process. 
Answer. Education is a life long process. 

4. Daskathia and Pala are _____ agencies.
Ans. Daskathia and Pala are informal agencies. 

5. In national integration____ education is important.
Answer. In national integration formal education is important. 

6. Chairman of Kothari Commission_____. Ans. Chairman of Kothari Commission Dr. D.S. Kothari. 

7. Films are ____ agency of education. 
Ans. Films are a passive agency of education.  

Fundamental of Education MCQ Question Answer 12th Class Education Plus 2 1st year education MCQ question answer plus two first year education MCQ question answer pdf fundamental of Education MCQ Question Answer PDF chse Odisha plus 2 education MCQ question answer pdf education MCQ question answer

1 comment:

  1. Sir please odia language re Question answer Avelable karantu
