Air Pollution Summary and Question Answer Class 10th BSE Odisha exam
Air Pollution A Hidden Menace
10 questions on pollution multiple choice questions on air pollution with answer air pollution question and answer pdf
an essay on air pollution
Summary of Air Pollution
You will have heard about the most tragic industrial disaster of 3 December, 1984 in which deadly gas from the Union Carbide Chemical Plant at Bhopal escaped into the atmosphere and caused colossal loss of life. Nowadays we breathe polluted air and are prone to be victims of air pollution.
We cannot live without breathing even for a minute. The air we breathe is a mixture of gases comprising nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide. If oxygen level is reduced or irritating gases enter the atmosphere, then the air is polluted and inhalation of this polluted air leads to respiratory disorders.
Nowadays industries release lots of smoke into the atmosphere and pollute it. We respire the polluted air and our lungs become garbage dumps. Thermal power stations discharge smoke and ash. Cement, steel, ore processing industries and chemical industries also release toxic fumes and smoke. The automobile exhausts spawn lots of pollutants into the atmosphere. The level of pollution in metropolitan cities is quite alarming due to buses, Lorries, cars, jeeps and two wheeler. Automobiles are responsible for 60% of air pollution since they release maximum carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The damage caused by air pollution is enormous. Flower and vegetable crops, trees, and cattle are badly affected. Air pollution also affects rubber tyres on automobiles and fine buildings.
effects of air pollution
Air pollution has damaging effects on the human body. It causes eye irritation, scratchy throats and respiratory illnesses. Much direct harm is done by air pollution. Harmful gases like carbon dioxide trap the radiation from the sun, for which the atmosphere becomes warmer and this leads to global warming.
Scientists are worried about the widespread use of CFC, which is thought to be harmful to the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere. Another concern is acid rain. Rain is made acid by gases released from factories becoming dissolved in it and that damages trees, crops, buildings, lakes, rivers and drinking water. Acid rain damages everything it falls on. Fish die in rivers. It leeches away nutrients from the soil, for which trees become leafless. The animals and birds living in forests also die. Acid rain also affects our health. It irritates the sensitive tissues of our eyes and lungs, and causes skin lesions. Buildings are also affected by acidic smog.
Three basic approaches can control air pollution. They are (i) preventive measures (changing the ingredients of fuel), (i) dispersal measures (raising the heights of smokestacks), and (iii) collection measures (designing equipment to trap pollutants before they escape into the atmosphere).
Now all the industrialized nations have some type of legislation to control air pollution. Pollutants are carried by the wind from one country to another. Acid rain originated in the USA affected Canada and that originated in Britain and France caused damage in Sweden.
Air quality programmes have brought about improvements in many areas. Burning low sulfur coal and oil in factories has lowered pollution in many cities. Automobiles have been redesigned and equipped with devices that change pollutants into harmless substances. Air pollution from car exhaust has been reduced.
Bringing about new developments to control pollution is not so easy. Researchers are seeking new ways. Vast sums of money are needed to clean the air. Pollution control means higher prices to cover the cost of control devices. The day will come when people can breathe pure air in cities where the sunlight is not blocked by an umbrella of pollution.
10 questions on pollution multiple choice questions on air pollution with answer air pollution question and answer pdf
Question Answer on air pollution
Question.1. What accident took place at Bhopal in 1984 ?
Answer: In 1984 deadly gas from a chemical plant operated by Union Carbide escaped into the atmosphere killing over 4,000 local residents and rendering blind and crippling a large number of the city's surviving population.
Question.2. Why Is it called an industrial accident ?
Answer : It is called an industrial accident because of the accident of emission of deadly gas related to an industry, that is the chemical plant operated by Union Carbide.
Question. 3. What were the tragic consequences of it ?
Answer : The tragic consequences were that over 4,000 local residents were killed and a large section of the city's surviving population was rendered blind and crippling.
Question. 4. How is air important to man ?
Answer : Air is extremely important to man because man cannot live without breathing even for a minute. (not : important for)
Question 5. What Is the major source of contamination of the human body ?
Answer: The major source of contamination of the human body is air that enters our body through respiration.
Question 6. What is the composition of air ?
Answer : The composition of air is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and a little less than and one per cent argon and 0.03 per carbon dioxide.
Question 7. When is air said to be polluted ?
Answer : Air is said to be polluted when the oxygen level gets reduced or Irritating gases enter the atmosphere.
Question 8. What fuels do the industries use?
Answer : Industries use coal, coke and furnace oil.
Question 9. How does the released smoke affect men ?
Answer: The released smoke mingles with the atmospheric air and pollutes it. When man respires this polluted air containing obnoxious gases, ash and dust particles, he is badly affected.
Question 10. Why do thermal power stations cause more pollution ?
Answer: The thermal power stations cause more pollution because they discharge high amounts of smoke and ash, thereby contributing to air pollution.
Question 11. What are the other Industries equally harmful to us ? (not : for us)
Answer: The other industries that are equally harmful to us are cement, steel and ore processing industries.
Question 12. Why are automobiles Increasing on the Road ?
Answer: Automobiles are increasing on the road to meet the demands of an exploding population.
Question 13. How do automobiles contribute to air pollution ?
Answer : Automobiles contribute to air pollution by releasing maximum carbon dioxide Into the atmosphere.
Question 14. What are the effects of air pollution on vegetable crops and trees ?
Answer : Vegetable crops suffer ill effects from car exhaust gases. Trees are killed by pollution from power plants.
Question 15. How are buildings affected by polluted air ?
Answer : Because of polluted air, fine buildings become shabby and their walls are blackened with soot settling on them. Building surfaces also deteriorate because of air pollution.
Question 16. What health problems are caused by polluted air ?
Answer : Polluted air causes eye irritations, scratchy throats and respiratory illnesses. It also contributes to a number of serious diseases.
Question 17. How Is air pollution responsible for Increasing the temperature ?
Answer : Air pollution increases the amounts of gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. These gases tend to trap the radiation that reaches the earth from the sun. Consequently, the atmosphere becomes warmer.
Question 18. What harm can a refrigerant do?
Answer : A refrigerant can destroy the atmospheric layer that protects us from harmful kinds of solar energy.
Question 19. What is Acid Rain ?
Answer : Acid rain is the rain that has chemicals in it from factories, etc and that causes damage to trees, buildings and rivers.
Question 20. How Is water affected by acid rain ?
Answer : Owing to acid rain the water in rivers and lakes turns acidic, for which fish cannot survive.
Question 21. What is the Impact of Acid Rain on Soil ?
Answer : Acid rain changes the soil's nutrient content. It leeches away nutrients like potassium, calcium, and magnesium from the upper layer that help trees grow. Such is the Impact of acid rain on soil.
Question 22. What are the ways to control air pollution ?
Answer: The ways to control air pollution are (i) preventive measures such as changing the raw materials used in industry, or the Ingredients of fuel. (ii) dispersal measures such as raising the heights of smokestacks and (iii) collection measures, such as designing equipment to trap pollutants before they escape into the atmosphere.
Question 23. How have different countries tried to check It ?
Answer: Different countries have tried to check air pollution by having some types of legislation.
Question 24. How have the air quality programmes brought us benefits ?
Answer : The air quality programmes have brought improvements in many areas. Burning low sulfur coal and oil in factories and power plants has lowered pollution in many cities. To meet standards, automobile engines have been redesigned and new cars have been equipped with devices such as the catalytic converter which changes pollutants into harmless substances. Because of these new devices, air pollution from car exhausts has also been reduced.
Question 25. Why do we still need to find better ways to control air pollution ?
Answer: It is not easy to find better ways to control air pollution. Many people are involved in research seeking new ways. Vast sums of money will be spent to clean the air. The cost of control devices in emission systems of new cars will be great. But the cost Is justified so that people in cities can breathe pure air.
Question 25. Why does the oxygen level In the atmosphere get reduced ? What could be its consequences ?
Answer: Oxygen level in the atmosphere gets reduced because various irritating gases produced by a large number of industries in recent times mingle with the atmospheric air and pollute it. The consequences of the reduction of oxygen in the atmosphere results in various kinds of ailments especially respiratory disorders.
Question 26. How do the chemical industries cause dangerous air pollution ? What are its far reaching consequences ?
Answer: Chemical industries cause dangerous air pollution by discharging high amounts of smoke and releasing toxic fumes into the air. As a result, the damage caused by it is enormous. Trees are killed, cattle are poisoned, rubber tyres on automobiles are and become porous, fine buildings become shabby and their walls are blackened with soot. But its far-reaching effect is the damage caused to the human body. Air pollution causes eye irritations, scratchy throats and respiratory illnesses and a number of serious diseases. Above all, the gases produced trap the radiation, for which the atmosphere becomes warmer and it leads to global warming.
Question 27. How is acid rain caused ?
Answer: Power stations and factories are usually powered by coal, oil or natural gas. When these fossil fuels bum, they emit Sulfur and nitrogen oxides are released. Nitrogen oxide is also present in the exhaust emissions of cars. These oxides rise into the atmosphere and they are converted to acids forming clouds of high acidity. Thus acid rain is caused.
Question 28. How does polluted air travel from one country to another ?
Answer : Pollutants are carried by the wind from one country to another, often for distances of thousands of miles. In this way polluted air travels from one country to another.
10 questions on pollution multiple choice questions on air pollution with answer air pollution question and answer pdf
Question 29. What steps can be taken to reduce the pollution caused by automobiles? Is air pollution a global problem ?
Answer : To reduce the pollution caused by automobiles, automobile engines can be redesigned and new cars can be equipped with devices, such as the catalytic converter which changes pollutants into harmless substances. By means of these new devices air pollution from car exhausts can be reduced.
10 questions on pollution multiple choice questions on air pollution with answer air pollution question and answer pdf
Additional Questions Answer (Subjective)
Question 1. Write about the composition of air.
Answer. The air we breathe in is a mixture of many gases. Pure air comprises 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and a little less than 1% argon along with 0.03% carbon dioxide. Any change in this composition means air pollution. Inhaling this contaminated air may lead to serious respiratory disorders.
Question 2. What are the basic approaches to control air pollution caused by Industries ?
Answer. There are three basic approaches to control air pollution. Preventive measures which necessitates replacing the raw materials or fuels that cause pollution with better and safer alternatives. Dispersal measures such as rising the heights of the vents. And, Collection measures like designing equipment that can trap pollutants before they can enter the atmosphere.
Question 3. What are the main causes of air pollution?
Answer. The main causes of air pollution are Industrial and automobile exhausts. Automobiles alone contribute 60% of the air pollution in various parts of the world. The fuel used by industries for production also releases dense smoke into the atmosphere which disturbs the air composition. Apart from these the widespread use of various chemicals and chlorofluorocarbons destroy the atmospheric layer that protects us from harmful rays of the sun.
Question 4. What affects man more - contaminated food or contaminated air ? How ?
Answer. Contaminated air affects our health more. A man can live without food for about a month, but without air we won't survive more than a few minutes. As per estimation an average adult exchanges 15 kg of air per day, whereas he takes only about 1.5 kg of food per day. As we take in more air than food, contaminated air affects us more than contaminated food.
Question 5. What are the effects of acid rain?
Answer. Acid rain causes rivers and lakes to dry up. It destroys elegant monuments, huge constructions and also damages our crops, houses and health. Acid rain destroys water bodies by making them acidic and killing their inhabitants. It also damages the healthy soil composition. Many species are endangered owing to acid rain. Some have even gone completely extinct.
10 questions on pollution multiple choice questions on air pollution with answer air pollution question and answer pdf
· Resident. Reside
· Pollution pollute
· Composition. Compose
· Inhalation. Inhale
· Emission. Emit
· Comparison. Compare
· Knowledge. Know
· Recovery. Recover
· Destruction. Destroy
· Contamination. Contaminate
· Precipitation. Precipitate
· Deterioration. Deteriorate
· Consumption. Consume
· Alteration. Alter
· Belief. Believe
· Reduction. Reduce
· Operation. Operate
· Expectation. Expect
· Representation. Represent
· Radiation. Radiate
· Illustration. Illustrate
· Justification. Justify
· Prevention. Prevent
10 questions on pollution multiple choice questions on air pollution with answer air pollution question and answer pdf
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