Friday, July 16, 2021

The Magic of Teamwork Summary And Question Answer chse plus 2 pdf

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 By Sam Pitroda 

The Magic of Teamwork Summary And Question Answer chse plus 2 pdf

An Introduction to Sam Pitroda : 

        Sam Pitroda is called "the father of India's communication revolution." His full name is Satyanarayan Gangarama Pitroda or Dr. Sam Pitroda as he is better known. He was born in Titilagarh Odisha in 1942, He is presently the chairman of - India's "National Knowledge Commission", besides being the chairman and CEO of the World-Tel limited and the founder and CEO of C-SAM. He also worked as an advisor to the United Nations in 1992. 

An Introduction to the prose "The Magic of Teamwork"  :

     Now-a-days business firms, companies are spreading incredibly. The spread of IT Sector, multinational brands have opened a huge scope for people. In one organisation thousands of people are working. There are lower ranks to higher ranks, from driver and peon posts to company directors, CEO etc. In India the higher officers look down on the lower ranks. But in foreign companies foreign lands, even CEOS make coffee and behave friendly with the drivers. 

          The fact is that if you maintain difference, self-respect in due course you will create several classes in office. The class ego will spoil the work environment and you will face problems managing the situation. On the other hand, even if you are CEO, if you are friendly to the peon, driver, clerks, workers, they will stand near you. They will love the company and will leave no stone upturned to make the company a success. 

           In the present essay, Sam Pitroda has narrated about the magic of teamwork. United we stand, divided we fall. Our ego will invite our collapse. That's why if you are wise and the CEO of the firm, grow friendship with the workers, drivers, peons and taking all into trust, proceed ahead so that you can be successful in life. 

Summary of The Magic of Teamwork: 

Lack of teamwork and co-operation is one of the most serious problems affecting progress in all areas of India. We have beautiful policies which fail due to lack of implementation. We lack teamwork. When the Japanese came to India to develop the Maruti Suzuki Car, They realised how inefficient, lazy, and non-cooperative the Indian workers are. They have a crab mentality. When one tries to climb higher, others drag him behind.           

            This is due to our cultural background in which the juniors are not allowed to exercise their will power over the elders. But in the present scenario, many young fellows are cleverer than elderly people. There is nothing in the senior and junior mentality.              

              The writer attended an executive seminar for Rockwell International where about 25 senior company executives were present. All were doing menial work without feeling higher or lower. In India such a mentality is not found. Group work requires a thorough understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of individuals irrespective of hierarchy. Being a good team player implies respect for others tolerance of different points of view and willingness to give. The ability to resolve conflicts without either egotism or sycophancy is a very important aspect of being a team player. You have to agree to disagree. Most people have a hidden agenda. So you should go through it.    

         When the writer was working in C-DOT, if someone performed badly, he pointed it out in a public meeting so that he corrected himself. Others themselves too. In India, if you criticise one, he will treat it otherwise. He will go against you. So it is the duty of the CEO to make a secret study to know the reaction of the workers to the activities of the CEO on various issues. A boss should be ready to face the criticism of the subordinates. people would correct        

            In India there is a difference in respectability between physical and mental workers. The writer had a driver named Ram. He told him not to open the door when he came to the car. He looked horrified. The writer told him to come to his office and work there during leisure. He wanted to see him as a team player not as a driver. He looked elated and devoted himself fully to the firm.              

           Diversifying tasks increases workers' self-esteem and motivation and makes them team players. In India it is difficult to make a good team because everyone here all wants to be treated as babu. It is difficult to find losers in India. Age is not a barrier in teamwork. If you have efficiency, energy, capability, expertise you must be rewarded. In India all want to be recognised.         

           There is no substitute for teamwork. It is team work, you must learn to honour each other, willingness to disagree, resolution of conflict, openness, honesty and communication. There should be no personal agenda and you should be ever prepared to take any pressure. 

Unit - 1

Question answer 

questions to be answered carrying 2 marks each

Question.1. What is the key problem affecting India's' progress: lack of policies or lack of implementation or lack of team of work ? 

Answer. The key problem affecting India's progress is lack of implementation. 

Question.2. What is the joke about the Indian and Japanese of implementation ? 

Answer. The Joke says; the Maruti Suzuki Car company of Japan came to India to develop its car. They were said that one Indian worker would be equal with ten Japanese. But practically it was found that one Japanese worker was equal with ten Indian workers. 

Question.3. What is the crab mentality ? 

Answer. The crab mentality is that when one climbs higher, another pulls him behind and does not allow him to get success. 

Question.4. Where does the root of the crab mentality lie ? 

Answer. The root of the crab mentality lies in our cultural background. 

Question.5. What is the demerit of a hierarchical social system ? 

Answer. The hierarchical social system lays stress on the elders and their wisdom. The youth, however talented may be, is considered subordinate. 

Question.6. How can the right kind of teams be created ?  

Answer. The right kind of team can be created by understanding the ability, experience, knowledge of team players and placing them properly. 

Unit - 2

Question Answer

Question.1. "If this were happening in India"- what does the author mean by "this"? 

Answer. In America, company executives were cleaning the board, making coffee without complaint. In India if you ask an officer to do so, he would create a scene. That is why the writer says - "If this were happening in India..." 

Question.2. How does Hierarchy come in the way of doing a task together in India ? 

Answer. In India when senior and junior, officer and worker are placed in one group and told to do the menial work, they would turn violent. Hierarchy won't allow the officers to work with the low grade workers. It is their prestige issue, 

Question.3. What should the members of a team learn for effective team work ? 

Answer. The members of a team should learn how to exercise and accept leadership- to lead and to follow at the same time. 

Question.4. Should the members of a team exercise leadership only or accept the lead of others only in 'true teamwork' ? 

Answer. The members of a team should do both - exercise leadership and accept the lead of others in true teamwork 

Question.5. Who is a good team player ? 

Answer. A good team player implies respect for others, tolerance of different points of views, willingness to give the ability to resolve conflict. He should learn to agree to disagree. 

Question.6. Is total agreement on conflicting issues possible ? 

Answer. No, total agreement on any conflicting issue is not possible. While a group supports it, another group will oppose it. 

Question.7. Which is important for beginning a piece of work to begin work on the agreed upon aspects or to wait for total agreement ? 

Answer. For beginning a piece of work, it is better to begin work on the agreed upon aspect than to wait for total agreement. Question.

8. What are the qualities of a good team player ? 

Answer. A good team player ought to be open, clear and honest. He should have no political and hidden agenda. 

Question.9. What does the author mean by "a hidden agenda ? How does it affect teamwork ? 

Answer. People often say one thing in public, but in their mind they support another thing. This hidden motive of people is a hidden agenda. It affects teamwork because the team player with a hidden agenda can't work heartily for your project as he does not support it. 

Question.10. What does 'a good work ethic' imply ? 

Answer. To say and mean the same thing is a 'good work ethic. That means you should have no hidden agenda while working in a team. 

Unit - 3

Question.1. How did the author handle inefficient employees in C-DOT ? 

Answer. The author pointed out the fault of the inefficient employees in a general meeting when he was working in C-DOT. 

Question.2. How did the errant employees react to his open criticism ? 

Answer. The errant employees, being criticised in public, feel insulted and speak ill of the author in his back. They think the author criticised them personally. 

Question.3. What was the author's intention behind open criticism ? 

Answer. The author's intention behind open criticism was that the errant employees would correct themselves and others would not dare to commit the same mistake. 

Question.4. What did he learn about Indian attitudes to criticism ? 

Answer. The Indians don't differentiate between criticising an idea and criticising an individual. 

Question.5. Does criticising an idea mean criticising an individual ? 

Answer. No, criticising an idea does not mean criticising an individual. 

Question.6. Can an employee afford to criticise the boss in India ? 

Answer. No, an employee does not dare to criticise the boss face to face in India. 

Question.7. What are the key elements of a team's success ? 

Answer. Self-esteem is the key element. Besides, stability, confidence, security, comfort of the 

Question.8. What affects 'team performance' in India ? 

Answer. The team performance in India is affected due to dichotomy and difference in respectability between physical and mental workers. 

Question.9. What was the job of the author's driver ? 

Answer. The author's driver Ram had to open the car door when the author came near it, and to close it when he entered. 

Question.10. How did he react when the author asked him not to open the door of the car am workers are the key elements of a team's success. for him ? 

Answer. When the author told him not to open the door of the car for him he started crying. 

Question.11. How did the author like to see the driver ? 

Answer. The author wanted to see the driver not as a mere driver but as a team player.

Question.12. How did the author motivate the driver to be a team player ? 

Answer. The author motivated the driver to come to his office when he had no work and to help him in office work making copies, filing papers, sending faxes, answering phone calls etc. 

Unit - 4

Question.1. How do diversifying tasks help workers ? 

Answer. Diversifying tasks increases workers self esteem and motivation and makes them team players. 

Question.2. Why is it difficult to build teams in India ? 

Answer. It is difficult to build teams in India because nobody wants to be seen playing second fiddle. Nobody wants to become a loser. 

Question.3. How can working with diversity happen ? 

Answer. Working with diversity can happen by remaining away from personal, caste and community interests. 

Question.4. Does age matter for holding positions ? 

Answer. Age does not matter for holding positions. A 40 year old CEO can work with a 55 years old VP. 

Question.5. What matters much for a senior position- age or capability ? 

Answer. Capability matters much for a senior position. 

Question.6. How should the senior treat employees with lower esteem ? 

Answer. The seniors should recognise the job of the employees with lower esteem. They should encourage them from time to time. 

Question.7. What are the fundamental ideals in a corporate environment ? 

Answer. The fundamental ideals in the corporate environment are respect for others, openness, honesty, communication, willingness to disagree, resolution of conflict and recognition for the work. 

Post-reading Activities Make the following two words. (e) "Co-operation" and "implementation" Co-operation is the noun form of 'co-operate'. Implementation is the noun form of "implement.' Write the noun form of the following words. compete 

define - definition

narrate - narration

negotiate - negotiation

repeat - repetition

migrate - migration

Compete - competition

Dedicate - dedication 

Extra Questions : 

(a) What are the qualities of a good team player? 

(b) What is the problem of people in India? (c) What is important to begin a piece of work? 

(d) Who is a good team player? 

(e) What is a hidden agenda? How does it affect team work? 

Answer : 

(a) A good team player needs to be open, clear and honest. 

(b) People in India tend to focus on achieving total agreement which is impossible. 

(c) It is important to work on the agreed-upon aspects and not get bogged down in the areas of disagreement. 

(d) Being a good team player implies respect for others, tolerance of different points of view and willingness to give. 

(e) A 'hidden agenda' means people say something but mean the exact opposite.

Questions : 

(a) How did the author handle inefficient employees in C-DoT ? 

(b) How did the errant employees react to his open criticism?

(c) What was the author's intention behind open criticism? 

(d) What did he learn about Indian attitude to criticism? 

(e) How does a person react if you criticise him in a group? 

Answer : 

(a) When the author was working in C-DOT, if someone had not been doing well, he used to tell him directly to his face in a general meeting. 

(b) The errant employees said that was insulting and they should be pulled aside individually to be told of the inefficiency. 

(c) The author's intention was that criticising someone in a meeting was for the benefit of all present, and everyone could learn from that individual's mistakes. 

(d) He learnt that Indians do not differentiate between criticising an idea and criticising an individual. 

(e) In a group if you tell someone that his idea was no good, he automatically takes it personally and assumes that you are criticising him. 


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