Saturday, July 3, 2021

Question Paper of Business Studies and Management Commerce

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Question paper of business studies and management

Group – A

1. From the alternatives given in respect of each bit, choose and write serially the correct answer along with its serial number.

(A) ‘Business’ and ‘Environment’                               

(i) means the same thing                         

(ii) are substitutes of each other

(iii) are interrelated

(iv) are two departments of an organisation

(B) Henry Fayol had classified industrial or business activities into

(i) four groups

(ii) six groups

(iii) eight groups

(iv) ten groups

(C) The person who first introduced the system of functional foremanship was

(i) Henry Fayol

(ii) F. W. Taylor

(iii) P. F. Drucker

(iv) Charles Babbage

(D) Shareholders get return on their investment in the form of_____

(i) interest

(ii) tax

(iii) commission

(iv) dividend

(E) One of the Ps in the 4Ps of marketing mix represents

(i) Personal

(ii) Promotion

(iii) Packaging

(iv) Protection           

(F) The full form of IDBI is

(i) Industrial Development Bank of India

(ii) Institutional Development Bank of India

(iii) Industries Development Branch of India

(iv) Institutional Development Branch of India

(G) The source, which is not considered to be a source of borrowed capital is___

(i) public deposit

(ii) shares

(iii) trade credit

(iv) debentures

(H) Gross working capital is

(i) total of all fixed assets

(ii) total of all current assets

(iii) excess of total current assets over total current liabilities

(iv) total of all current liabilities

(I) One of the channels of distribution of consumer products may be

(i) Wholesaler-Producer-Consumer

(ii) Producer-Consumer-Wholesaler

(iii) Consumer-Producer-Retailer

(iv) Producer-Retailer-Consumer

(J) Management principles are universal in nature because

(i) these principles are taught in universities

(ii) these principles have applicability in all group based activities

(iii) books containing these principles are universally available

(iv) these principles are helpful in different kinds of individual-based activities

2. Explain any five of the following terms in not more than 3 sentences each.

(a) Social environment

(b) Unity of command

(c) Convertible preference share

(d) Overdraft

(e) Label

(f) Packaging

(g) Training

(h) Product mix

3. Answer any five of the following questions in not more than 3 sentences each.

(a) What is meant by privatisation ?

(b) What is scalar chain ?

(c) State the meaning of planning.

(d) Why is preference share so called ?               

(e) What is a brand ?

(f) What is meant by penetrating pricing ?

(g) What is Human Resource Management ?

(h) What is the basic purpose of orientation training ?

                               Group – B

4. Answer any five of the following questions within five sentences each or as per the requirement.

(a) Explain the term ‘Globalization’. Mention any two benefits of globalisation.

(b) Why should authority be commensurate with responsibility ?

(c) What does mental revolution mean in scientific management ?

(d) Explain cash credit

(e) Name any three sources of fixed capital.

(f) State the situation under which adoption of skimming pricing strategy is possible

(g) State any three features of a debenture

(h) Mention any three merits of internal sources of recruitment.

5. Answer any five of the following limiting each short note to five sentences to a maximum of three differences.

(a) Economic environment

(b) Fatigue study

(c) Working capital cycle

(d) Financial planning

Show distinction

(e) Shares and Debentures

(f) Wholesalers and Working capital

(g) Fixed capital and Working capital

(h) On-the-job training and Off-the-job training

                                  Group – C

6. Explain Business Environment and discuss in details its importance.                                                            

7. Explain the meaning of Scientific Management and discuss its principles.

8. Discuss in brief the functions of management.

9. What is meant by Fixed Capital ? Discuss the factors that determine the amount of fixed capital.

10. Explain the meaning of Marketing Management. Discuss the various marketing concepts which have developed over the years.

11. Discuss the functions of the personnel department of an organisation.

12. What is meant by Branding ? Discuss the different types of brands.


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