Thursday, June 3, 2021

A Letter To God Summary With Question Answer And MCQ Test pdf

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A Letter to God
author G. L. Fuentes 

A Letter To God Summary With Question Answer And MCQ Test pdf 

a letter to god summary

Lencho was a farmer who lived in an isolated house on the top of a low hill in a valley. The river and the field of ripe corn scattered over the area with flowers were clearly seen from his house. Lencho looked at the sky towards the north-east as the earth needed a downpour. Soon he discovered huge mountains of clouds approaching in the sky. Lencho predicted that there would be a downpouring shower. It happened so. It started raining. Lencho came out to feel the rain on his body. He was overwhelmed and thought of raindrops as new coins. 

           Lencho's happiness didn't last long as a strong wind began to blow with heavy rain. Large hailstones began to fall along with showers of rain. The boys enjoyed themselves by collecting the frozen pearls. It continued to fall for an hour and covered the whole valley. 

              The effect of the hailstorm was disastrous. The corn was totally destroyed. Len was extremely depressed to see the destroyed corn field and told his sons that they would go hungry throughout that year. Still everybody in that family had a single hope, help from God. All through the night, Lencho only thought about the help from God because He is omniscient. Lencho was a farmer, still he knew how to write. He decided to beg God for some help. The following Sunday he wrote a letter to God, He asked God for a hundred pesos so that he would sow his field again and live until the harvest of the next crop. He wrote the letter and dropped it into the mailbox. 

             The postman of the post office was astonished to see that curious letter which was addressed to God. He showed it to the postmaster. Both broke out laughing. The postmaster was wonderstruck to know the deep faith of the man in God, His curiosity to know the contents made him open the letter because he had resolved to answer it in order not to shake the writer's faith in God. He found that the writer had asked for some financial help. So he cÆ¡llected some money from his employees and he himself also contributed a part of his salary. 

            Of course he couldn't collect the required amount of hundred pesos, but he was able to send the farmer a little more than half. He put the money and a letter containing only a signature : God in an envelope addressed to Lencho. 

               Lencho came to that post office the following Sunday to ask if there was a letter for him. The postmaster himself handed over the letter to Lencho. He opened it confidently. He was not all surprised on seeing the money. He counted the money and got angry because there was not the full amount that he asked for. He knew that God couldn't have made a mistake. He was so innocent that he considered it a fact. He wrote another letter to God confessing that he had received only seventy pesos out of 100 pesos. He also requested to send the rest amount to him directly instead of sending it through mail because he didn't have faith in the dishonest postal employees.  

Word meaning of a letter to god

Crest : the top of a hill or a wave

Be dotted with something : be spread out within an area

Downpour : a heavy fall of rain, when it suddenly rains a lot.

intimately : understanding all the details of something

but : except

predict : say what you think will happen; foretell

hailstone :a small iced pellet of rain

resemble : look like somebody or something

be draped in something : be loosely covered with a cloth

expose oneself to : leave oneself open to danger.

Locust : a flying insect like a grasshopper. They invade hot countries in swarms and cause enormous damage by eating ever green leaf.

A plague of something : a large number of unpleasant animals or insects that come into an area at one time.

Hail : frozen rain that falls in small hard balls called hailstones.

Solitary : without others, alone

Upset : unhappy or worried

Conscience : the feeling inside you about what is  right or wrong

Peso : the monetary unit of many south American Republics and of the Philippines ; a coin of this value.

Heartily : loudly ; and cheerfully ;with all the heart

Amiable : friendly and pleasant

Break out : start suddenly

Comment : make a remark

Correspondence : writing letters; the letters that somebody writes or receives

Come up with : think of; have an idea about something

Goodwill : kind feelings between people

Resolution : something that you decide to do

Charity : being kind and helping other people

Contain : have something inside it

Contentment : a feeling of happy satisfaction

Deny somebody some thing : to not let someone have some thing

Confidence : strong trust or faith; reliance

Wrinkling of his brow : moving his brow so that small lines appear on it.

Brow : the forehead; the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair.

Lick : move your tongue over something

Affix to : to add to or attach to something, such as a paper.

The rest : what is there when a part has gone

A bunch of crooks : a group of dishonest people/criminals.

Bunch : a group of people

question and answer a letter to god 

1. Where did Lencho live? 

Ans. Lencho lived in a house located on the crest of a low hill overlooking the river and his field of corn. 

2. What did Lencho hope for? 

Ans. Lencho hoped for a downpour or at least a showor of rain for his fields of corn. 

3. What did he say about the raindrops? 

Ans. He said that the raindrops were new coins. The big raindrops were ten Cont pieces and the little raindrops were five cent pieces. 

4. How did the rain change? 

Ans. The rain changed when suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. 

5. What happened to Lencho's corn fields? 

Ans. Lencho's com fields were covered with hailstones. They looked white as if covered with salt. 

6. Who did Lencho have faith in? 

Ans. Lencho had faith in Almighty God, whose eyes see everything, even what is deep in one's conscience. 

7. Who did he write a letter to? 

Ans: He wrote a letter to God. 

8. Who read the letter ? 

Ans. The postmaster read the letter. 

9. What did the postmaster do? 

Ans. He asked for money from his employees, he himself gave part of his salary and also asked several friends of his to give something for an act of charity. Thus he collected a little more than half of a hundred pesos, put it in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with a letter containing a single word 'God' as a signature. 

10. Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it ? 

Ans. No, he was not surprised in the least. 

11. What was Lencho's reaction on getting the letter? 

Ans. On getting the letter Lencho showed no surprise, He was confident that God would respond to his request. But when he opened the envelope, and counted the money in it, he became angry. He felt that God couldn't have made a mistake, nor could He have denied him what he had requested.

a letter to god question and answer

(i) Why did Lencho keep on looking at the sky throughout the morning? 

Ans. Lencho was a good farmer and he knew his fields intimately. He found that his fields were badly in need of water, for which a downpour or at least a shower of rain was needed. Hence Lencho kept on looking at the sky throughout the morning. 

(ii) Why was the field white after the storm? 

Ans. There was a storm and along with it very large hailstones began to fall in large number for an hour. The hailstones resembled new silver coins. That was why the field was white after the storm. 

(iii) Why did Lencho say that the raindrops were like 'new coins' ? 

Ans. Lencho said that the raindrops were like new coins because his con fields were badly in need of rain and he had been anxiously waiting for it for a long time. Hence the raindrops were a great welcome, for which Lencho said that they were like new coins. 

(iv) Why did Lencho prefer locusts to the storm? 

Ans. Lencho preferred locusts to the storm because locusts would not have caused so much destruction as the storm, which had totally destroyed the corn. 

(v) Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him ? Why / Why not? 

Ans. Lencho didn't try to find out who had sent the money to him because he was confident that God would certainly respond to his fervent plea for help. 

(vi) What would have been the reaction of the post-office employees if they had read the second letter ? (Or, when they read the second letter ? 

Ans. Lencho's second letter was full of accusations against the post office employees. They were branded a bunch of crooks by Lencho. If they had read the letter, they would have reacted sharply and would have strongly condemned Lencho as an ungrateful wretch. 

Read the passage from the text and answer the questions that follow. 

All through the night ... act of charity. 

(i) Who does Lencho have complete faith in ? 

Ans. Lencho has complete faith in Almighty God, whose eyes see everything, even what is deep in one's conscience. 

(ii) 'Lencho was an ox of a man' - what does the line mean? 

Ans. Here Lencho is compared to an ox. The comparison is not introduced by as or like. It is a metaphor. Lencho had to toil in the fields all day like an ox. Hence the comparison. 

(iii) What was the postmaster like? 

Ans. The postmaster was an amiable person. He admired Lencho's abiding faith in God. As a gesture of goodwill, he came forward to help Lencho by contributing some money from his salary and collecting some more money from others. Thus he was a charitable person. 

(iv) Why did the postmaster send money to Lencho ? 

Ans. The postmaster was full of appreciation for Lencho's abiding faith in God. So he gave him a helping hand to let him overcome his great loss of crops. 

(v) What does the expression 'an act of charity' mean ? 

Ans. An act is a single thing that someone does. So an act of charity is an act of kindness that you show towards other people by not judging them or criticizing them too severely. 

Long Question Answer a letter to god 

Q.1. How did the hailstorm shatter Lencho's dream ? 

Ans. Lencho was a hard-working farmer. He was in need of a shower for a good harvest. He continued to look at the north-east sky with the hope of rain. True to his expectations, big drops of rain began to fall. Dreaming of a good harvest, Lencho compared the rain drops to coins. But to his ill fate, suddenly the rain turned into a hailstorm. The hailstorm continued for an hour. The whole field looked white with large hailstones. The corn field was totally destroyed. After the hailstorm Lencho's heart was filled with frustration and sorrow. 

Q.2. What did Lencho write in his first letter to God ? 

Ans. Lencho's crop was totally destroyed by a strong hailstorm. He couldn't think how to support his family until the next crop would come. But suddenly a thought came to his mind. As he had deep faith in God, he was confident that God would stand by him at his hour of distress. So, next Sunday, he wrote a letter to God. In his letter Lencho informed God, if he didn't help him, his family would go hungry that year. He needed a hundred pesos in order to sow his field again and to live until the next crop would come. He also wrote to God, how the hailstorm had totally destroyed his crop. 

Q.3. What did the postmaster do in order not to shake Lencho's faith in God ? 

Ans. The postmaster was an amiable person. He burst out laughing when he saw that the letter was addressed to 'God'. He also lamented for not having so much faith in Him. So in order not to shake Lencho's faith in God, he decided to answer the letter. Lencho had asked God for a hundred pesos in order to sow his field and to support his family until the next crop came. The postmaster collected money from his employees, friends and gave a part of his salary which amounted to seventy pesos. He put the money in an envelope and wrote "God' on the envelope and waited to hand it over to Lencho. 

Q.4. Why did Lencho write a second letter What did he request in it ? 

Ans:. Such was the confidence of Lencho that he was not surprised to see the letter, he received at the post office. But when he counted the money, he got angry. Since the money was less than what he had asked for, he thought God could not have made a mistake, nor could deny him what he had requested for. So he immediately wrote the second letter to God. He wrote that, of the money he had asked for, only seventy pesos reached him. He was badly in need of the rest of the money. So he requested God not to send the money through mail since he considered the post office employees a bunch of crooks. 

Q.5. What was Lencho's reaction to the rain? 

Ans. Lencho was a hard-working farmer. Once his ripe crop was in need of a shower. So he continued to look towards the north-east sky expecting rain. True to his expectations, rain came and big drops of rain began to fall. He could also see the huge mountains of clouds approaching. Lencho went out to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body. When he returned, he said that the rain drops falling from the sky were new coins. He even compared the big drops with ten cent pieces and the little ones with five cent pieces out of joy. With a satisfied expression he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers. 

Q.6. How did Lencho react to the loss of crops ? 

Ans. As Lencho had expected, there came the rain. But along with rain came a strong wind and a hailstorm suddenly. The hailstorm continued for an hour. Lencho's field of ripe com was covered with large hailstones that totally destroyed his crop. Lencho's soul was filled with sorrow. After the storm was over, he stood in the middle of the field and said to his sons that a plague of locusts would have left something more than that. The sight was also no less painful for him. He cried since all his work went in vain. He was also afraid thinking that his family would go hungry that year. 

Q.7. How did the post office employees react to Lencho's letter to God ? 

Ans. Lencho's crop was totally destroyed by hailstorm. His heart sank in grief. He couldn't think how to support his family. But he had deep faith in God. So he wrote a letter to God asking him for a hundred pesos to provide food to his family and sow his field again. 

          A postman at the post office got the letter. He went to his boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter written to God. Throughout his career he had not seen a letter addressed to 'God'. The postmaster also broke out laughing. But he got serious after a moment to see the faith A of the writer of the letter. He wished he had as much faith in God as Lencho. 

Q.8. How did Lencho react when he counted the money ? 

Ans. Lencho's crop was totally destroyed due to a hailstorm. There was nobody except God to help him. So he wrote a letter to God asking for help at his hour of need. The following Sunday Lencho reached the post office and asked if there was a letter for him. The postman handed over the letter to him. Lencho was not surprised to see the money. It reflects his confidence in God. But when he counted the money, he got angry. He thought God couldn't have made C a mistake, nor could he have denied him what he had requested for. His faith in God was so strong that he decided to write the second letter to God. 

Q.9. Why did Lencho think that the post office employees were a bunch of crooks ?

Ans: Lencho's crop was totally destroyed by a strong hailstorm. As he had deep faith in God, he wrote a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos. When he received the letter containing the money, he was not at all surprised. But when he counted the money, he found that the money was less than what he had asked for. He thought that God couldn't have made a mistake, nor could he have turned down his request. It strengthened his belief that the postal employees were a group of dishonest people and they must have taken the rest of the money. So he called them a bunch of crooks and requested God not to send the money through mail. 

Q.10. "That's what they say : no one dies of hunger", Who said this and why? 

Ans. Lencho's corn field was totally damaged by a hailstorm. It devastated Lencho's dream of a good harvest. He broke down in grief when he looked at the field that once promised a rich harvest. Throughout the night, he kept thinking how all his labour went in vain and how to support his family. He was afraid that his family would go hungry that year. Suddenly a new hope came to his mind : the help from God. His confidence in God was so strong that he thought God would certainly help him during his hour of crisis. So he consoled himself saying"That's what they say: no one dies of hunger".    

 Q.11. "A plague of Locusts would have left more than this'', Who said this and why? Ans : As Lencho had expected, rain came. But very soon the rain turned into a hailstorm. The hailstorm came along with gusty wind and large hailstones. It continued for an hour and the entire valley was covered with a white blanket. The hailstorm completely destroyed Lencho's corn. The flowers were gone from the plants. Lencho's soul sank in grief. After the storm had passed, he stood in the middle of the field and said to his sons that a plague of locusts would have left more than this. The hail had left nothing. It reflects Lencho's desperation since all his hard work ended in smoke within an hour. 

MCQ question answer of A letter to god

1. From Lencho’s house, one would see the _______ and the field of ripe corn dotted with flowers.

the hill

the green field

the river

the garden

2. Throughout morning Lencho saw the sky towards________.

the north-east




3. Who said, “yes, god willing”?


Lencho’s children

Lencho’s wife

All the members of Lencho’s family

4.  When Lencho’s wife called her children to have dinner, the older children were_______.

playing outside

working in the field

working with Lencho

playing outside with the small boys

5. Lencho came out leaving his dinner to______.

look at the north east sky

to see the mountain of clouds

to enjoy and feel the rain on his body

to see his corn field

6. Lencho considered the raindrops as_______.



small coins

new coins

7. The big drips of rain are treated as______.

five cents

ten cents

silver coins

new silver coins

8. The hail rained for_______ on the entire valley.

one hour

two hours

half an hour

one and half an hour

9. “It is really getting bad”, who said this?

Lencho’s children


Lencho’s wife

All the people of the valley

10. Standing ______ Lencho said “A plague of locusts would have left more this”.

near the field

in front of his field

with the villagers

in the middle of the field

11. “A plague of locusts world have left more than this”. Whom did Lencho say this?”

to himself

to his wife

to the other farmers

to his sons

12. All through the night, Lencho thought only of one hope, the help from god. It was ________. Night





13. The solitary house of Lencho on the top of the low hill was found________.

 at the end of his village

near his corn field

in the middle of the valley

in front of his corn field

14. Lencho’s corn field with its flowers under the clouds seemed white as if covered with_______.


white salt

a curtain of rain

rain water

15. Lencho was an ox of a man. Here “an ox of a man” means_______.

he works like an ox

he was illiterate

he was lazy

he was hard working

16. Lencho wrote a letter the following Sunday_______.

at day break

in the morning

in the evening

in the night

17. After the hailstorm the field looked white as if_________.

dropped in curtain of rain

covered with salt

covered with ice

covered with water

18. In the line “hearts of all” ‘all’ refers to _________ in the story ‘A letter to god’

every farmer

all the farmers of the valley

all the people

all the family members

19. In the story ‘A letter to god’, the small children played_______.

for one hour

till the evening

until their mother called them to have dinner

until it started to rain

 20. G. L. Fuentes started writing stories at the age of_______.





21. G. L. Fuentes was awarded national prize of arts and science in ________.





22. G. L. Fuentes died in the year_______.





23. Fuentes was born in the year______.





24. The hailstones resembled________.

new gold coins

silver coins

new silver cons

copper coins

25. God sees everything even what is deep in one’s conscience. The underlined word means ______.

feeling in heart                                                                                      

feeling about others

feeling about family

the inner sense of right or wrong

26. Although the postmaster broke out laughing, he was surprised to see______.

Lencho’s letter to god

his foolishness

Lencho’s faith in god

Lencho’s blind belief

27. What was postman’s resolution for Lencho ?

to answer Lencho’s letter

not to shake Lencho’s faith in god

to collect money

to answer Lencho’s letter with money

 28. Who collected the last letter of Lencho form the mail box ?

the postman

the postmaster

the clerk

the post peon

29. The word ‘pesos’ means_______.

silver coins

new silver coins

currency of several Latin American countries

money of India

30. The postman expressed his contentment. The opposite meaning of the underlined word is: ______.





31. A violent tropical storm with very strong winds is called________.





32. A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle is called_______.




whirl wind

33. Lencho’s family lived in a _______ house in the middle of the valley.





34. Lencho was upset for the total loss. The underlined word means ________.





35. A violent storm whose centre is a cloud in the shape of a funnel is called_______





36. l often go to Mumbai. Mumbai is the commercial capital of India. Which one is the combination of the two sentences given above?

I often go to Mumbai, which is the commercial capital of India.

l often goes to Mumbai which is the commercial capital of India.

Mumbai where I often go is the commercial capital of India.

Mumbai where l often go is the commercial capital of India.

37. The postman saw the the address to ‘God’ for the first time in his life. Which one of the following sentence is correct with negative emphasis?

Never in his career as a postman had he known that address.

He has never seen such address as a postman in his career.

He did not have to see in his career that address.

as a postman in his career he had not seen such letter addressed to God.

38. An act of writing letters is better than the act of sending messages through mobile phone. Replace the underlined word with a single word.





39. What did Lencho do in the post office first when he visited the office for the second time.

He wrote another letter.

He put the letter inside an envelope.

He asked for paper and ink.

bought a stamp.

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