Sunday, January 3, 2021

Eassy in english on Students Responsibilities in Building a Nation

Students Responsibilities(Student Social Responsibility) in Building a Nation: 

Eassy in english on Students Responsibilities(Student Social Responsibility) in Building a Nation

1 Introduction
2 The role students before independence
3 The role of students after independence
4 Conclusion

    Introduction:    The role of the student community is essential in building a prosperous nation.  He speaks out against injustice and corruption.  He is determined to destroy it.  Young people have new insanity, new inspiration.  Taking on the role of creator, he turns Martyapur into heaven.  Anarchy, corruption and prejudice are eradicated from the country.  The country and the nation are great.  But the progress of the country is not possible if the student forgets his duty.  The decline of the country is inevitable if he forgets his student duties and engages in evil deeds.  The role of the student body in the formation of the country today is of paramount importance. 

 The Role of Students before Independence: The role of the student community before independence was very important.  At that time, the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, urged the student body to join the struggle for independence. His call was for the passion of the soul, the anxieties of the closed corners of the heart, the eagerness to devote oneself to the service of patriotism. At Gandhiji's call, the students were enraged and jumped into the freedom struggle.  He vowed to liberate the country on the battlefield.  So they opposed the British rule.  He took part in a non-cooperation movement with Gandhi and was imprisoned.  The role of the student body is unforgettable in the great historical revolution that took place in 1942. The student body that day helped Gandhiji a lot in preventing untouchability.

Eassy in english on Students Responsibilities(Student Social Responsibility) in Building a Nation

 The role of students after independence: The role of the student body in nation-building after independence is also important.  Before independence, they were raising their voices against British rule; but after independence, they have to be involved in the progressive work of the national government.  At the time they were uncooperative with the British government;  But now the student community has to support our government.  Before independence, students were involved in various violent movements and were destroying national property;  But now they have to do something constructive.  They need to cooperate with the government and the public to protect national property without destroying it.  He has to be aware of the great duty of the student.  The student body is multi-faceted today.

(A) Politics: Current politics is polluted.  Gandhiji’s dream of ‘Ram Rajya’ remains in the dream.  Today's Jananayaka and political leaders are in power.  They come up with ideas, and to see them flush it out, it's really fun.  They formulate policies to attract the public.  The student body should not shake hands with all these political parties.  They should not be persuaded in the speeches of the leaders.  Leaders often influence students by giving them cheap speeches.  Students are more likely to succumb to the effects of temporary excitement.  Ideal political opinion should be studied in depth. Students seem to have a responsibility to make politics free from corruption.

 (B) Defense: It is the ultimate duty of independent Indian students to protect the country from foreign aggression.  Today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing in every corner of the globe.  So India has to be self-reliant in defense manufacturing.  Frequent attacks by China and Pakistan have warned us to be vigilant in defense.  Today, India is plagued by cross-border terrorism.  The activities of neighboring countries are often a cause for concern for India.  The student body should therefore join the military and move forward to protect the motherland.  “Janani Janmabhumish Swargadapi Gariyasi” - In this great statement they have to be enlightened.  Military education is required in schools and colleges to join the National War Academy.

 (C) Scheme: Various steps have been taken through the five-year plan to move independent India forward.  The student community needs to work together to make this plan a success.  Plans may have faults, errors.  This error must be acquitted.  Today's students are tomorrow's citizens.  He will bear the responsibility of nation-building.  Therefore, if they are exempt from student life, the plans will be implemented successfully. 

Students Responsibilities(Student Social Responsibility) in Building a Nation

 (D) Social work: Social work should be the main task of student life.  They should not only concentrate on the work of study but also take the initiative to do social work in their spare time.  There is a lot of guilt in society.  Even after a long period of independence, poverty has not been eradicated.  Discrimination and class struggle continue in different parts of the country.  Communal riots continue.  The untouchability of society is not completely removed.  Anti-social behavior, such as robbery, is on the rise in the country.  Horizons and the weak are being subjected to various forms of injustice to eliminate racism and class conflict from this country by Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi led the movement.  Mrs. Indira Gandhi's twentieth-century program helped to overcome this.  The students have to cooperate with the national government in this direction.  The student body must take strong leadership to eliminate racism, discrimination, communalism, untouchability, etc. in the country.  Students should take an oath to correct the tainted society.  The student community also has a role to play in environmental protection.

 (E) Anti-corruption: The thick cloud of corruption is covering the Indian skies today.  "Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing.  The student body must fight this corruption.  Corruption must be eradicated.  Students should help the police, the public and the government to prevent corruption. 

 (F) Duties: Students should be aware of their responsibilities.  "If they do their job well, the country and the nation will prosper."  They should be immersed in ideal patriotism.  Students are the backbone of the country.  The country expects a lot from them.

 (G) Nationality: Students should be inspired by the Great Patriotic War.  One should include oneself in the ideals of national heroes.  They have to remember that they are Indian.  The best traditions of India are to be learned on Monday. 

 (H) Role in emergencies: The role of the student body in emergencies is also very important.  They should hold rallies in different parts of the country to awaken nationalism, unity and solidarity in the minds of the people.  We need to be ready to join the military and make the country a better place.

Conclusion: There have been many problems with the country since independence.  Neighboring countries are interfering in India's internal affairs.  National of India Pakistan is training militants to provide military equipment to disrupt solidarity.  Today, various problems are threatening India's unity and solidarity.  At such a critical juncture, students should be able to determine their responsibilities in shaping the country and the nation.  The country is my homeland.  The student should be inspired by this idea that I have a guru duty to the country.  The textbook needs to reflect the great past traditions, glory and progress of the country so that students can contribute to the welfare of the country.  Student and social work

Tags: essay in english on Students Responsibilities(Student Social Responsibility) in Building a Nation, essay in english, responsibility of students

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